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Posts posted by CaloomClark

  1. 3 hours ago, Benne said:

    rust is typically pretty bad abt freezing no matter the pc, used to happen to me a lot when i was scoped with a bolt or l96... my fix was verifying and reinstalling when it would happen a bunch. hasnt happened recently to me but i also dont play much anymore... but rust is terribly optimized due to it being made in unity.

    also might want more ram, i recommend 32 gb at least for rust

    Honestly, 16gb was more than enough for me to run the game really quite well. Put it on an SSD for a night and day performance boost. I also played stretched res which I believe helps fps, and made the game better IMO. I used to get 120-140 fps on a ryzen 5 5600x, rx570 and 16gb ram

  2. IMO this is all just blown out of proportion.

    I think @ Zeuse  and I showed this perfectly today.
    7v7 blackwater with a medic vs 2 deps, 2 PO’s a sgt and an Lt.

    We pulled 0 armour and no lethals were auth’d. You guys (aegis) were not being aids with the loadouts or numbers and all in all a good fight was had, with the APD defusing at, I believe 7 minutes.

    Unfortunately, when civs pull crazy gear there just isn’t anything the APD have to counter it. We have tried armour vs no armour, when civs have crazy gear it’s just pointless, either get ripped in a shitty hunter by any gun or RPG’d, on the other hand you can try slamming in hatchbacks and will get ripped 99% of the time. - even if you manage a lethal it doesn’t matter in the slightest due to most having medic’s. BW’s back in the day never had people using this sort of gear consistently and it forces us to go to our “last resort” (lethals + hunters) instantly AND STILL MAKING LITTLE PROGRESS. 

    I have played on both sides, as SAPD and Aegis. I would much rather do a federal event with a normal loadout with a senior not being aids (as they should) vs a zafir rpg t5 event brainlessly ripping hunters and dealing with the aids. I would like to see both sides just take a step back, and fight these events in good spirits without having each group just completely cancer the other to the point that neither has a good time.


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