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Everything posted by Karma

  1. @ Welshy  Happy birthday bro! stop using lmgs in cod

  2. Get him something else to chew on or cover your cords in wire sheath
  3. @ xsmitherz Take this guy in your slow car and meet him jeez
  4. @ thor I forgot about that clip of that guy just full faced screaming lmaooo @ Tyrone Jefferson Great video! You're the goat for spending the time to do it.
  5. This arma 3 shit is serious

    1. Ben Shapiro

      Ben Shapiro

      woo back reference

  6. Happy birthday @ Zeuse :3

    1. Zeuse


      Thank you Karma :3 have a great new year too! 🙂

  7. Gratz @ Morga no more 40+ hour weeks please 

  8. @ CaloomClark Is this you?
  9. Karma


    @ Sevro Say it isn't true
  10. wow
  11. got my money on tyson if this shit ain't rigged

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I swear on me nan if one of them destroys the other each round and the fucking judges decide to call it a draw someone is getting shanked.

  12. This roundtable sucks. There is plenty of shit that has been failed to be held up on but it only really matters when APD does it apparently. New Point System (Year old approval) Civs got advanced rebel (Everyone is running around with a tier 4 at the minimum) And the APD has yet to get any worth while buffs.
  13. Congratz @ Kodakk  


    1. C H I E F

      C H I E F

      @ Kodakk  Most Accurate representation yet hahahaha

  14. wheres my free loot
  15. Holy crap they included cupcakes @ Lea If this isn't a beef squasher I don't know what is
  16. @ sweater
  17. This is quite some incriminating evidence holy cow
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