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Everything posted by Karma

  1. Gratz! @ OG Abraham  

    1. Olsson


      You got it soon bro you just have to abandon all your friends and meatride sAPD🥱

  2. The @ Milo impersonation was 100% spot on
  3. Happy birthday @ thor  >_<

    1. thor


      Thanks pookie >.<

  4. cloud 2 goes crazy so I can imagine the cloud 3 is gonna just be an improved version, I've never had any issues with hyperx
  5. @ destruct  Happy birthday man!

  6. bro what I told you it's just shitty writing by a british guy
  7. gratz @ Omar ! I knew you could do it man

  8. Congrats on FTO @ Wong  & Sgt @ Kaotic !

  9. @ HyperGoat  congrats on Swat SGT 😼

  10. congrats swat SGT @ ASPEN

  11. Happy Birthday @ Benne  BIG 22! 🥰

  12. @ stayclaxxy  congratz man! I knew you had it in you 👍

  13. f2903d526d8eaf46819cad26a990a2dc.jpg

    missin the boardwalk casino lately...

    1. Benne


      Hands in my pants just thinking abt it😝

  14. @ maxg  Congrats on corp (again) 

    1. maxg


      4th times the charm 

  15. god damn it claxxy I told your dumbass to turn on esp and take a 360 view real quick before you did it
  16. BmY7bGm.png

    fuck rexo fr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Element_


      Revenge for stripping my T4 vigi a year ago, good job @ Rexo

    3. nem0


      hi karma

    4. Lucien


      Yo @ Rexo  those are for swat man put them back

  17. Karma


    @ Grizzly ain't talkin about me lil bro
  18. Rafa has competition for chief of roleplay division
  19. He had no bitches already man like your delusions are really showing here thinking mako can pull anyone
  20. Gratz @ WALT  and @ Masonn some good promotions a rare sight!

  21. sheessh @ Rexo you gotta unban him after this one or at least release a counter diss track aint no way you taking this heat
  22. No calling it clear to start seize I guess would be the only solution unless they wanted to make a change to NLR in warzone which is terrible
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