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  1. I'm here to save the day bby
  3. I would like to further reinforce some of the statements that have been brought up here. Odin, you say you need more staff, more developers, more everything. Yet you went on to say it took you 18 WEEKS. 18 WEEKS TO GET MENTIONED. You say you need staff. If you want more staff get to the tickets quicker, I get you need to look at them as people but you need to have it in a realistic time period. By then the player has probably left due to these issues. This brings me to my next issue, after you get staff, YOU ARE INVINCIBLE. I for one have reported one moderator by the name of Kratos AT LEAST 3 times due to him breaking the rules. What I got in return was not even a response. Most of you admins have stated that you need to look at a person before they are staff. For gods sake look at them when they are staff as well, that may be a reason for people leaving. Because they are sick of staff members coming on and breaking the rules they were banned for breaking. Another thing I have seen is staff members not even playing the game. You may be under a different name, you may be invisible. When I see no one with the [OS] in front of their names I think wow... Where are all the admins and moderators? That is another issues within itself, you need to get staff to be active on the servers, that may resolve a lot of these little tickets and bugs from people by just playing the game. Some issues can be resolved from you by playing. I get that you all have lives... So do we. If you have issues with all these tickets coming in for bugs, players, and all that fun stuff. Get more staff. Don't take 18 weeks to look at it. That is an unrealistic time period. After 2 months you should have gotten a response saying something at least! I feel like a lot of these issues could have been resolved by having more staff. I know you have been back stabbed. I know you have had issues with staff members. I know you may have trust issues. But you have to put that shit behind you sometimes to look at the huge issue. Without more staff this whole thing may crash and burn and none of us want that to happen. This post has been all about issues that have been popping up and all I see in response are excuses. Please get more involved with the community as a whole, get some people to be in the help rooms, to answer people who need help with simple things in teamspeak. I know I have asked for a staff member whilst being in a help room and not gotten a response for HOURS, at that point you PM them again and get a fist to the face for asking for help. Most of the issues can be solved with some will power and help with the community, we are not all biased assholes. Nearly all of us are here to help out with the community to make it a better place, to improve the quality of the server. But we can't do it if we get shot down.
  4. Z3R0


    Holy shit Bojo, I've known you for going on 4 years now. 9 months of those 10 on this server I was right here with you man. Gonna miss playing with you. We had some good times. Doing 6 mil moon shine runs, running the best gang in the world, Los Diablos, 24th STS, AMS. The soon passed MC. I hope to see you on the server again so we can continue our carnage. Best of luck to you. I'll miss ya.
  5. Damn, didn't know I have been here longer than the lord and savior himself. http://gyazo.com/d175650246a6fd0450c2de0218fe2e66
  6. Z3R0

    Z3R0 Here.

    I guess I never made one of these... I have been here for quite a long time. Since July of 2014. I have played on and off these past few months for reasons. I am currently a part of MC, I joined originally when there was only around 10 people in it. It has grown an immense amount. Props to Moob for sticking to it. Back in the beginning of my time on this server, I was the Co-Founder of Los Diablos, which at the time (A long ass time ago) was not the largest, but the most controlling gang I suppose you could say. I also happen to be SPBojos Hero (He is the best) I have also had a lot of ups and downs with reputation, especially in AMS but damn that was fun! I hope to see all of you out there it may be in a gun fight, robbery or something like that. You have also known me as [D] Thanatos if you played way back when.
  7. Z3R0


    I think you just need to calm down, and enjoy the server. No need to call anyone out for making it P2W. If you want a Sport version go steal it. Ez Pz. You will have a lot better of a time if you stop trying to find ways to call a server P2W buddy.
  8. No offense to you of course, however as Jorbis said the Titan Z would be great, we all dream of it, however it is not practical to have a Titan Z when you are only gonna play ArmA. Unless you want to spend another 5k to get your computer to be able to run the Titan Z it is not worth it... 780 TI is perfect!
  9. Hi. I'm Z3R0. I'm SPBojos Bitch.
  10. SPBojo, And myself Z3R0. I don't like working in large groups as I feel if I have not worked with them a whole lot everything goes to shit because they don't know what they are doing. Which is a huge part in why I only role with Bojo and some other friends. **EDIT** Perhaps I should have worded this differently, it really is not that they don't know anything, I will not be the first to admit that a whole lot of players on this server are better than myself, but it is that they may not know how I function in combat and the strategies I use.
  11. Z3R0

    Goodbye ??

    Can agree with Bojo, have your address. Will hunt down and murder. Brutally. With a rusty golden nail.
  12. From Z3R0- Was an excellent ride with you fellas. I think we did some great things in AMS. I wish all of you the best. I'll still be on server 2 if any of you hop on. Cya
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