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The Antichrist

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The Antichrist last won the day on June 25

The Antichrist had the most liked content!

About The Antichrist

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Demi-God (6/7)

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Single Status Update

See all updates by The Antichrist

  1. Scheduled Releases This Week:

    1. Victim of a Simp  (The made for tv movie based on the events that led to the false banning of The Sovereign)
    Starring:  @ Marcus @ Teddy_ ,That Bald Bitch whose name I forgot, and @ The Antichrist

    2.  Furkiller (A biographical work about @ Big Boss Fredo  and his campaign against the APD)
    Starring:  @ Big Boss Fredo  @ Element_  @ Rexo

    3.  Staff Meeting:  Episode 1
    An ongoing sitcom that takes place during staff meetings.  
    Starring:  @ Rexo  @ Marcus  @ Milo  @ Diamond  @ Fraali

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      You bring this shit on yourself retard, and then you start crying and screaming... and then they send me the videos of it.  It's a cycle I've come to enjoy, but it's one you always have had the power to end.

    3. proud


      40 years old, supposedly quit the server, went on a cry baby spree on a post, and is gonna make a news podcast on an arma 3 server. i do not believe you are happy with life.

    4. The Antichrist
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