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Posts posted by J.Glenn

  1. 20 hours ago, Shanky said:

    Now, I've got my opinions, but I'm curious to see what you all think of this.

    Let's say someone complies with putting their hands up, and the initiator says for that individual to keep them up, or they will die. After all, who wants to restrain be required to act when you can just wait a minute and get what the initiator really wants- a kill. 

    I've done this before too. I'd just like the communities' opinion on how they feel about this, and whether or not this sort of shortcuts the rules of complying and restraints. 

    TLDR: Title. Do you feel like this is fair, unfair / a shortcut to the rules. 

    Also, if the guy keeps his hands up for more than five minutes, would you say that it would be RDM for the initiator to shoot post-5 min? What if they refresh their threat to keep your hands up? Should that be allowed?

    My favorite is to say "hands up or die"
    *they put their hands up*


    most of the time, they're like "wait what the fuck?" they don't start saying them...they try to run

    Boom, free kill.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Sagebrush said:


    @Sagebrush @James town

    Section 1: absolute last resort (Life or Death)

    Section 2: can not kill another player that has been downed

    if they didn't wait until he was up to officially engage him, then it is VDM/RDM, but if they did wait until the guy was up and then engaged him properly, then it sounds legit.

    situation sounded like a life or death scenario to me, but no provided video means no sympathy

    Instead of back-lashing by posting on the forums about the situation, just make a ban appeal...it's not like making a post does anything to help your situation.

    Or post your clip so we can all have a laugh, I need a good laugh.

  3. Greetings from the future, my noble compatriots

    Some of you might remember me from my next-level forum posts and time on the APD (I was pretty active from February to April of 2019) before I had to quit due to my work that forces me to travel back and forth across the country.  Since I've been gone I've gotten a new job, started taking college classes, and joined the Navy (#GoNavy).  Trying to earn a Special Warfare contract before I ship out in March of 2020.  Currently waiting in the interview room waiting to (once again) become your friendly neighborhood Chief Deputy Glenn.

    For those who are yet to be enlightened, before I became a P.O. back in April 2019, I had been self-appointed to the rank of Chief Deputy (leader of the the Enlightened Cult of Deputies and Champion of the Sting 9mm)

    I am ready to resume my role as the Savior of the Deputies: enforcing traffic laws, writing parking tickets, and losing vital police chases in my 2002 Ford F-150 Offroad that has 262,000 miles and the four wheel drive doesn't work.

    All jokes aside, it's good to be back, boys.  Cheers.


    • Like 3
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  4. Just now, NokiaStrong said:

    Yes he can submit a ban appeal at


    @MAV @NokiaStrong I know, I'm asking if regarding the specific circumstances there is a chance that he could be unbanned.


    I don't know what the policy is on banning an entire gang due to hacked funds, because I personally haven't experienced it and I didn't want to touch that hacked money even with a 10 foot pole.


    Because FUCK hacked money

  5. @MAV My friend @Midnight Dream was recently banned because our gang mate (who is like 13-14 btw) thought it would be funny to put 11 million in hacked money into the gang funds.  The 3ic of the gang pulled this money out, not knowing it was hacked money, and ended up getting banned for 3-7 days for it (I can't recall).  @Midnight Dream was permanently banned from the server just because he was the gang leader, even though he had nothing to do with the hacked money and we have since exiled the gang member because he was a dumbass.


    Is there any way he could sumbit a ban appeal and get unbanned?  Or is he fucked?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Raindrop said:

    Well i do agree under one condition no players are going to want to go to kavala to fight so i would say make kavala castle a smaller fight zone for a less reward but enough to make the room bangers and week black market kids to come and make something for castle up north certain spots around the map are dead so it would be nice to add a little bit of stuff to do around those spots so we can see some of these smaller gangs and bigger but not fighting active gangs pop off and enjoy themselves 

    Kavala Castle would definitely be a smaller fight zone if this is implemented, since it is right next to Scat Town.  I was thinking more along the lines of the Oreokastro Castle (Thronos) because I feel like it would add more stuff to do for gangs, and also because that area of the map is unused real estate for Olympus.

    • Like 1
  7. I was riding around with CHAZ and the homies as a Cop on Server 2 and as we were checking Meth I thought of a little idea that I feel like could be interesting:

    What would you guys think about adding in some kind of Gang Event for the Oreokastro (Thronos) and/or Kavala Castles?  I think it'd be a nice addition to the overall activities available on Olympus and offer some more gang-related combat that isn't structured solely around the Cartels & the Warzone?  Maybe a 5% processing speed bonus on all runs or possibly even a 5%-10% processing speed bonus for Weed if you own the Kavala Castle and Meth for the Oreokastro Castle?  2%-10% discount at the black markets?

    Do you guys think this could be a possible idea to run by the Civilian Council or the Staff?  What are your guy's thoughts?

    • Like 2
  8. 36 minutes ago, FuManChu said:

    Ive been waiting for 50+ min, how long is the usual wait

    Dude, just wait for some Senior APD, they will eventually pull you in.

    Relax, I know it's stressful (done the Deputy test like 3-4 times now) it's all good

    Could be 20 mins, could be 3 hours, but if no one is on then no one is on.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

    I mean cops get seized bounty and tickets we get revives 17.5k each and occasionally invoices which are usually like 20k

    Yeah but when 20 people get gunned down and you're the only medic on, you make bank.

    I have 100+ hours on Cop and I think I've seized MAYBE  five, six vehicles...they're not very common.

  10. 1 hour ago, [TC] Bobby Flay said:

    As someone who has played both, medics do make more. Especially on high pop nights 

    1 hour ago, snipeZ said:


    1 hour ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

    I have plenty of hours on both I know how much they make 

    lmao Caleb, I think you're outmatched here bud.

    Medics definitely make more than Cops, like @[TC] Bobby Flay said, especially on high-pop nights, free weekends, stuff like that.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Caleb Snackbar said:

    Okay so next time any Civs try using the real life argument I guess it’s fine so I expect the cops not to say they cant, and Medics definitely earn less than cops

    I've never heard a Cop say you can't use the real-life argument.

    and you're not a Cop so you wouldn't know how much we earn. ;)

  12. 8 minutes ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

    You can’t use the real life argument this is a game, yes there’s money sinks in other roles as there should be but that doesn’t account for the insane amount of money gained on cop with no real money sinks

    I can always use the real life argument.  We're a mid-tier Role Play server that tries to stick to realism when it can.  Whether it's in a realistic-looking Coast Guard skin for helicopters @Gluxdator ;) or the paint scheme in APD interceptors, or even in just the level of role-play intensity that goes on in both the APD and the R&R.  I can certainly use a real-life argument as ArmA is a MilSim by nature and Olympus does its best to stay true to that in several respects...

    I wouldn't really say you earn an insane amount of money on cop unless you are actively involved, we take AFKing very seriously in the APD so no one does that.  I would say you honestly earn even less as a Cop than you do as an R&R member if you're actually roleplaying and doing your job correctly, you know i.e. (no robo-copping, pulling people over/confronting them for dumb shit (within reason)) 

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

    The difference is a lot of their time spent on cop is ruining civilians fights or runs, such as raiding war zone/patrolling with ghost hawks and much more. They need some sort of money sink so money leaves the economy rather than a massive influx of new money coming from playing cop

    Money leaves the economy when Medics don't do their job and don't revive people in time and/or people respawn with gear sets on Civvie.  The whole idea behind the APD is that it is government funded and it is supposed to be overpowered as fuck so that people avoid (at least usually) direct confrontation with Police.  Because Corporal Tasers and MXs are OP af.

  14. @Evann I feel like most of the higher ups can see from a Civilian's point of view, but I digress:

    I feel like the point of playing as an APD member is not only for the RolePlay but for the relaxed monetary deficits.  If you're not losing all your stuff when you are dying you are much more likely to stay on cop and play on cop for longer because you're earning money for when you play Civ, but also having a great time making new buddies and roleplaying.


    Needing to pay for a loadout when you die in warzone (or for a loadout in general) will prevent most APD from entering warzone to begin with, unless they're in a large assault party.

  15. 3 hours ago, Evann said:

    so like what if we added a new run to fix the balanc... sike fix vigis and bring back downvotes.

    all the forums posts are retarded because of no downvotes and broken tazer script 

    @Evann At least when there were downvotes I thought about what I said before I posted it.

    Fuck it, I'm making a poll to bring back downvotes.


    Hold my beer.

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