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Shabiki v2

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Status Updates posted by Shabiki v2

  1. @Gert sorry for constantly passenger seating you last night, bro. that was very fucked up, man.

    fuck this server fuck all the fucking sad, circle jerking, small cock motherfuckers in these huge ass cancer gangs that drive around in fucking jets for 40+ hrs a week rdming lonesome fuckers like me and thinking theyre the shit. probably never gonna be on this shit again, especially after all the rules i broke today, so imma give some shoutouts.

    shoutout to major pain

    shoutout to skateezy

    shoutout to cmdrrex for giving me a second chance the first time i was permed. sorry

    fuck @Panera, you small cocked motherfucking snitch ass bitch motherfucker

    fuck the @APD



  2. ur profile pic is gonna give me a seizure

  3. civs need some more high skill cap weapons at their disposal. give us the zubr for christ's sake

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Millennium


      yeah before this gets reported to Bohemia or some shit, You can't but the zubr. they are fucking with u hard.

      Its only a cop weapon now

    3. Monks


      i change my ign all the time. I'm also not a kav scat so you probably wont ever see me in game

    4. Ryan


      3 hours ago, N7Zero said:

      its not in a tier of donation, u have to seperately donate $500 towards the server to obtain the zubr.


      3 hours ago, Shabiki v2 said:

      ok, that is fucked up


      3 hours ago, ferg said:

      you have to send ryan a $500 check and a pepperoni pizza if u want it KBB Shabiki

      Dont listen to these apes. The Zubr is a weapon for the APD, that is why you do not see it in civilian shops. There is not a single thing weapon wise that is locked behind a paywall as that is against Bohemias monetization terms. The only thing you ever receive from donating are clothing/vehicle textures, titles and additional perks, however none of those things will have an effect in game.

  4. the problem was resolved and headless treated me with respect. +rep to headless for handling my toxicity so well. i am sorry for being a retard. although i would have liked to see the evidence right away, it is what it is. although some admins are powertripping retards, i was wrong about this man. 


    the evidence he showed me did warrant an rdm ban, although i distinctly remember telling that retard hands up or die because i wanted to protect the people of kavala without getting banned, since i am supposed to be a reformed player. idk, maybe my mic wasn't detected or that scummy scat photoshopped my voice out of the video, but it is what it is and i am going to take full punishment for my actions, especially after acting like such a dumbass.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      i am trying to rectify my actions fuck you. nobody wants to hear half the shit you make as your status. i can guarantee you that. at least i was trying to talk about important shit, so i thought, until i found out i was wrong, and now i am owning up to it. fuck off. way to ruin the mood retard

    3. monster
  5. some of these staff really be on that powertripping shit. they cant handle a more alpha personality in the server so they ban them for no reason and tell them to go fuck themselves when they ask for evidence.

  6. i would like to apologize to anyone i offended with my side chat ventilation earlier this day. i am not anti semi-- i was just trying to describe my hatred for the apd

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @Monks homeboy prolly said some racist/anti-semitic shit in side and he's apologizing to avoid or appeal a ban.

    3. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      no racism whatsoever. i was just making a comparison to describe my hatred

  7. yo, straight up, fuck the apd. so tired of seeing them pardon their friends who have 1m+ bounties. just had someone murder me in front of like 10 cops and he got a pardon later and i got arrested. fucked up world we live in

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Noodles:D


      If any of my friends ever have a 1mil bounty I will be pardoning them every time.

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      @Noodles:D Ayyy bro I’ve been looking for you. So I’ve got a million dollar bounty, can you hit me up in Sofia HQ. thx bro

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