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Everything posted by marhanen

  1. Some pretty creepy hands on those two
  2. Warning shot them, then fire one in the windshield
  3. Ya, they are way bigger than they were before
  4. You are doing yourself and this server a great disservice
  5. Give me that ghosthawk so I can look at it in my garage
  6. "graphics card bug out of my control. no matter how many times you tell me to fix it im not gonna sit here and explain the problem with fixing it when an old man tells me im gone immediately, not how that works." It's a fixable bug that you are not willing to correct. Or you are lieing in your post I also doubt your version of events that you were going to be permed even if you apologized and fixed it {or even lied and just didn't shoot people through trees to it fixed itself} cause It has been shown time and again that when someone gets banned and makes a butthurt post about it they are always excluding or misrepresenting the full facts of the situation Also I am sure that you have already spent more time complaining on this forum post then it would have took for you to explain whatever your excuse was for why it was impossible to correct your rendering bug
  7. It does feel more sensitive I turned my mouse sensitivity down 1 notch after the patch came out
  8. Sounds like you got permed because you refused to fix an amd driver bug on your end that you wanted to continue abusing For anyone else who has the bug either rollback to an older driver Or disable ATOC in AA+ video setting
  9. You talking about psisyn cause that's just rumour and about reforger which they say is just a mp shooter
  10. I'm surprised you don't have some kind of diy cheap camera based head tracking so u can look over water and aim at the same time
  11. marhanen

    fix the game

    Adding bandages in y inv would be a easy thing to add just have to copy and rename blooodbags add new icon and set the parameters to be faster and limit top end
  12. marhanen

    fix the game

    Blood bags?
  13. marhanen

    fix the game

    You can't use removeaction command on BI default actions so you would have to remove BI healing items and make a custom items to heal with
  14. No proof that they didn't initiate in the previous 4.5 mins by voice For all we know you could have ran and they got one of their gang members to wait for u on the road ahead Change your recording to 6 minutes cause every video on Vimeo is useless at 30 sec Also, Don't necro old threads when you yourself couldn't follow the reporting rules
  15. Embed the video
  16. Can u see/hear/feel the pump (not the fan) moving fluid, cause that might have failed Make sure you don't go overboard on cores, and read the fine detail specs cause some CPUs run at low clock speeds when in full use and only boosts 1 or 2 cores to the package listed boost speed Arma 3 only uses 4 individual cores so others will be used for other activities Newer Gen do have improved instruction coding which will give better performance per clock speed from what you have but not by alot
  17. Mine felt fine when I tried to wiggle it with it still bolted on too, but when I took it off and put new thermal paste and rebolted it down it fixed my overheating So even if it feels fine it's still a good idea to do if your fan runs
  18. On mine the cooler had come loose. I had to clean, paste and reseat it. Then it was fine
  19. Keep rain and night
  20. might as well
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