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Everything posted by hawkg

  1. Smithers gets 2 entries because he was here last night
  2. This is real the last one I did was a year or two ago and matt walker won @ Matt
  3. In hindsight
  4. Even though we can’t bash @ Metro Boomin for his bad habits I still intend on giving away 10 mill . Comment to enter. Close 9 pm est tonight. Will livestream the winner on twitch. TTV/hawkgftw
  5. is GitHub better than replit for portfolios? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. billdroid


      replit what i used sophmore yr high school as my online compiler while learning java. github or deploying your own website definitely the way to go

    3. Lucien


      Use whatever an HR/non-technical employee might recognize. They are typically the ones touching resumes first and blindly look for keywords

    4. JDC


      I personally use GitHub for my portfolio. 

      Most companies use GitHub anyways for their workflow as well.

  6. after 100 days of being gone its disappointing to see @ -Shawn-  still farming tickets. Imagine banning someone off something that never happened lol. Ahhh yes this clip clearly shows the hunter being blown up, and the player is clearly deserving of 600k compensation for the vehicle that never blew up. Someone please make him senior admin so his amazing administrative ability has a wider reach. https://gyazo.com/9bf82d1eeedd5cf2b40d8f640bbf2f79

    1. -dante-


      @ Ryan  @ Grandma Gary  I have a vouch from Hawkg. I’d like my tags now Ty 

  7. surely u can answer that urself. I know ur used to people doing shit for u all the time but u gotta learn to do stuff on your own.
  8. and u are a junky drug addict. trying coping with something harder because the pills and alc arent sufficient
  9. god damn u are so cringe
  10. @ ThatNerdyGuy this guy is even more delusional than you are LOL
  11. damn really? U were always one of the better administrators . Begals will prolly lose to lamar this season
  12. If I win I’ll do a 24 hour arma stream with webcam
  13. Still not unbanned mental retardation must be prevalent within the staff 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. hawkg
    3. doubleueyeceekay


      theyre too afraid to give their staff name hawkg it is a conspiracy i'd send some offensive appeals if i were you

    4. Lucky luciano
  14. known scammer use middle man with him
  15. Happy birthday @ MAJOR PAIN 30 pharmacy with you are fun 

  16. Nawwww that’s forever trashed
  17. happy birth @ PolarBear

    1. PolarBear


      I hope you're doing well, my dude. Take care of yourself.

  18. Missing joke never changing my behavior that is all the humor ur intellect is capable of
  19. I would like to sincerely apologize for any wrong doings i have dealt to you
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