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About Jeffey

  • Birthday 09/21/1933

Profile Information

  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    88, NWO, Noble, Demons Retired
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    on the hill by the ocean
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Tarquanda let’s work something out pm me.
  2. Can you pm me a picture of the exact house? And any luck on a garage?
  3. Jeffey


    I am looking for mx, and sting takers. As well as suppressors for the two will buy singles but looking at bulk sales. Also pcovs. pm me if you have what I need
  4. Nice Coke house in DP 11 on MSR. Right in between of Coke field and processor vigilante outpost just up the road to store or pull vehicles. Entertaining offers. https://m.imgur.com/a/HMaK0SZ
  5. Who tf are you ?😂

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cooper:P


      Bob don’t u got kids or something why are trynna ego people on a game 😂

    3. Jeffey


      Didn’t know I was trying to ego the poor kid

    4. vedalkenn


      Says who tf are you, claims he wasn't attempting to ego.

      Absolute tom foolery

  6. @ ThatNerdyGuy honestly this is sad and there should be disciplinary actions for the way head civ council member is conducting himself
  7. @ anti this is what i was talking about. conquest players making decisions for the whole. you all say it is not about money... but condensing cartels to a more local zone and condensing 3 cartels into 2 will in fact allow money to come in at a faster rate for those that have the cartel... (money printing).... i say move all drug cartels to their own singular cartel cap spread out. that way you work for it. and add frog to that list of caps as well.
  8. The two drug Cartels will have 3 drugs each We want to condense the number of caps to incentives fighting for the caps, NOT MONEY sounds to me like that is exactly what is happening… allowing them to make more money. Keeping them from even leaving the WZ. @ anti
  9. Remove tower cap; Move house cap to Alpha point for Warzone Conquest @ WALT The two drug Cartels will have 3 drugs each Arms/OG will remain the same We want to condense the number of caps to incentives fighting for the caps, NOT MONEY. @ anti i feel this is directed directly towards you
  10. How long have you been a medic? And happy new year 🎆 wish you the best

  11. @ anti he thought he would kill you real quick and you would be non the wiser. To bad it backfired lol. Peninsula cartel is your place not theirs
  12. how can you afford this! do people still donate? jk
  13. well... it was fun but mostly always frustrating. i wish olympus the best.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rafa


      Also can you explain the fucking crypt keeper picture please 

    3. Dab


      Dude unprivate that house on the hill video… you’ll get so many views you’ll never have to work again

    4. Jeffey


      @ Rafa  thanks man. and the tales from the crypt is one of my all time favorites. and honestly to under rated. 


      @ Dab  lol i should but honestly would like to keep that cringy autistic time in the past🤣 

  14. ROFL ohh no he profile creeps and mass stfu all my post and comments @ Penguiny here is another one or did you reach your daily limit
  15. @ proud agree that it is getting worse day by day, update after update.
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