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  1. cops roaming in GHawks am i right

  2. is it just me or is apd really op outside of events. ill be in a redzone doing drugs or sumn they pull up smoke like 4 of them an they just keep coming even  had  ghost hawk pulled  on me. i think there needs to wave limits with redzones or sumn just cant escape them it seems Since they got no NLR

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheHeroNoob


      just blast em and drive away and hide, ez free 15mins of no cop processing

    3. Zirnic


      they pull helis too tho not ez to run from a heli they just need a wave limit imo

    4. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Make them only able to respond to rebel activity in SUVs and offroads 

  3. ^^^^^^ ^
  4. Brodie Speaking nun but FAX
  5. No one else does just you. I Haven't heard a single apd member not complain about this issue, And We Only see the same 5 active apd members on all the time thats it, you will barley see any other apds on, especially when fed is getting done by NATO and not no rebel gang they have Ghost hawks at HQ Spawn Killing and titans out the ass its not fun Apd needs some serious work done.
  6. indeed, No One Likes to do Non-stop FED 15 min later BW repeat again and again to the point where its not fun anymore. you can't go do cop shit it seems ur only doing Events now and you only got POs an Deputys on so you have no chance something does need to change before people end up leaving apd. just from what ive heard and seen
  7. how much
  8. im intrested whats the price
  9. Zirnic

    selling pyrgos 3c

    how much?
  10. dont see nothing wrong with this
  11. You're right i seem to run into to more people tryna kill me or rob me when im doing legal runs i swear illegal runs are way better you can't get away with a legal run without getting held up unless its the plane cargo stuff thats the best bet
  12. Zirnic


    i just turned 200k in to 3mill casino op
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