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Brother Bruce

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About Brother Bruce

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    : NOT weed processing

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  1. 🤡 Hoobity doobity hewhuhuhooo *Honk honk*. Lemme make a balloon animal of you gettin rooked in kavala, ya bitch *honk honk*. Aww shucks, there’s not enough balloon for me to make your fat ass. (Avg sidechat moment) 🤡
  2. Ya’ll crazy indulging sov this long
  3. what a roller coaster get fucked
  4. Did you pressed button?
  5. Aiming for legs. If I can’t caress those thighs, then no one can
  6. The prize drawings are cute
  7. fuck em, this is the new dip post. Add dip to the game already. It has DOZENS, if not THOUSANDS of roleplay possibilities that cant be ignored.
  8. Prowlers decreased from T5 Vigilante to T4 Vigilante Vigilante GL Smoke rounds decreased from $10K -> $1K I might actually use the smoke for more than memeing now that they aren't so silly overpriced
  9. I rooked an 88 guy in kav and war got dropped. The same thing happened when I rooked a guy in versus. Would ya’ll feel better if I geared up to a pdw?
  10. I like this change and would like to propose one in line with this, that being the free FAK given on spawn be a Y FAK. This is so as not to take enough space in the inventory to prevent the purchase of a magazine/binocs/etc without first having to buy a backpack/vest or dropping the FAK on spawn. It's only a minor hassle for some I admit, but I just thought i'd put it out there.
  11. 9m
  12. 600k
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