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  1. Yea, I was just trolling, you're actually a fucking retard.
  2. Ya I started playing again when they did the server 2 shutdown and it was pretty fun having a lot of people on 1 server, there was a lot to do
  3. no nlr and unlimited loadouts are overpowered and it needs to be removed, because civs have to pay for their loadouts.
  4. Why are there like no big active gangs, just starting to play again after a few years and there are a few gangs that group up, but no gang that could log on 20+ like in the past.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ventar


      Because the server is nothing like it used to be..? plain and simple

    3. Horizon


      that 88 gang used to be big but now they're too powerful and had to get rid of some members to balance out the server

    4. Linka


      simple answer, look at the player base from a couple years ago to now. 

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