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Jaeger Mannen

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Everything posted by Jaeger Mannen

  1. Symphony at least had a better attitude... 3-rip was a fucking child. 0 sympathy.
  2. Alright TI- now let's fight ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BlackJack


      and -V- doesnt fight without cLoak soooooooo 

      or they dont fight without allying with another gang 

    3. Tom
  3. Perfectly normal. I jam out to this shit on the way to work: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D7dKRBZVLvI
  4. I never camp processors, I'm merely just trying to enjoy the trees out there and you hooligans come out there and start cooking up those drugs and shooting random rabbits... That's when I'm like:
  5. It's funny that a majority of olympus's core players birthdays are in October.. #AllHailSatan

    1. Dustin87



    2. sinister_


      October 28th babyyyyyy WOOWOO!!!

  6. Enough kill montages, who's got the balls to post a death montage?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      There we go! Faith just got restored in this community!

    3. Vicious_Guinea_Pig


      I got one half way done of funny deaths.

    4. grizzlybear


      Im working on an arma physics one rn.

  7. You can take my comms and my GPS... But you will never take my messenger pigeons.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      Ha, Skeet shooting XD 

    3. ToeKnee


      if i ever catch you on cop and you sya that again im closing my god damn windows and shoving those fucking birds up your fucking ass

    4. Matt (Barbosa)

      Matt (Barbosa)

      He'll smoke the weed in his pocket and send smoke signals to his boys to tell him where he's at

  8. The Troll-Applications for the small gangs that are just up and coming need to fucking stop. You're the lowest form of life and a fucking Cancer to this community if you find that funny to Troll the little guys. Grow up. Get the fuck over yourselves. Y'all deserve a punch in the fuckin' Teeth. 

    1. drama


      Jaeger you're a great guy tbh

    2. Tman15tmb
  9. Honestly if some dude tried to save his friend that we took, I wouldn't be mad if he just opened fire. I'd kill him and text him explaining how it's attempted RDM, but i wouldn't be mad.

  11. We don't rob people we sacrifice, actually quite the opposite. Earlier we sacrificed a guy and then bought him a load-out and an Offroad. We'll re-word our texts if that's the real issue.
  12. I think the majority of long-time Olympus players all agree... This is Fuckin' Stupid. That is all.
  13. Jennifer Lawrence Hails... Do you?


    1. Fastik


      All hail the great tree.

      pm me ts info btw jaeger pls

    2. Fastik
  14. Again.. I almost drove off the rode when I was sent this. Disbelief.


    1. Fastik


      +1 was that taken by swifty?

  15. To the Roots you go...9kMnKZv.jpg

  16. Someone get this uncultured son of a bitch outta here...
  17. ohhh man... ^ that would shrink mcpd....
  18. Posts like this inspire the SOCOs out there and next thing you know... Another [DRUNK] off gang... pls no...
  19. I liked the unmarked police cars. Makes us wish there was like a fucking detective/special investigations unit... But WTF would they do other than wear suits and taze people and deliver some shitty rp/robocop
  20. Day 381: The Men have grown restless.. What is a Captain aboard ship that's filled with the tension and urgency for mutiny to do? Shall I drink my last batch of moonshine and just waste them all? Kill them all? .. I just wanna see my family... even if it means they will never see theirs..

  21. Raindeerkitten had 7mil, he wins though because he had 210 counts of vehicular manslaughter(all vdm)...
  22. This might just be the issue with this community now. Rather than welcome and educate a new member, they down thumb and belittle him... Bravo MC. Top Notch. Best Gang...
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