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Jaeger Mannen

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Everything posted by Jaeger Mannen

  1. I keep coming here thinking I can check my stats and such... *sigh*

  2. A poor soul cried 
       "They restrained me, put me in chopper, and took me out to a tree in the middle of no where."

    To the Great Tree you Go, Darryl305

    1. Raine


      Sounds interesting ;) 

  3. I did it again.. I went and planted the seed. Now to watch it Grow. 

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Good thing I carry a Painsaw.

    2. Mesita



    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Let it grow, moob... Let it grow.

  4. Bring it back... BRING IT BACK!!!! 

  5. I voted I like them..but I'm offended. Cheers. Keep them Coming. 1ST AMENDMENT!!!
  6. Nope, Theseus has a big point. Pre-wipe, we robbed people running oil, diamonds, and platinum. In fact, I haven't even considered robbing legal now because it's such garbage. I'd spend more on lock picks, zip ties, repair kits, and 7.62 magazines than what I'd get on a legal rob/chop. Not worth. Buy a hummingbird and do fast meth runs. Very quick and more profitable than any legal run.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thomas


      Legal market does need a little boost

    3. JProfessMan
    4. BENJI


      I agree with Brennan, They should boost the legal market so people don't have to worry about being robbed as much. Trust me, there is a lot more people camping the drug fields and processors than you think

  8. Saw this coming alloonngg time ago. Surprise Factor: 2/10
  9. Will Raindeerkitten(DirtPoor) make a public Ban appeal next? Tune in.

  10. Bring back the old Coke Pro... Too many Memories there... *nostalgic tear*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thomas


      Old map all the way

    3. Warfare


      Maybe....Possibly.....WHO KNOWS.....I know

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Who knows best? Warfare does? :)

  11. The better you are.. The More you get Reported.

  12. When videos and posts go *poof*

  13. My gang is better than your gang because....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bakers


      cause we are, you have no authority to question us why.

    3. SumthingsFishy69


      ...because even though anthrax acts like he hates MC he keeps leaving and coming back;)

    4. sinister_


      because we're not named after a fucking object that grows out of the damn ground

  14. Omg.. I'm finally Back Now.. No more 15 minute killing sprees for me.

  15. For Father's day... I'm going on Olympus soon to make many Orphans.. Get Jaeger'd ;D

  16. Happy Fathers Day to Everyone that's a father. ;)

  17. I oppose to this poll as there is No "Man" option.. I'm a fucking MAN. Fix this GARBAGE.
  18. Well... the Lazy APD finally caught me... GG... Sending an Old man to jail is a crime itself!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I as a Medic may of had a hand in getting you caught ;3

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      I wish we could openly shoot medics... -_-

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      You took a man infront of me hostage, I was scared man :[

  19. Hellcats(Unarmed), Drones for APD SGT+, Chop Shop Charge, and did I mention Hellcats? The Community has Spoken!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      ^ But they belly slam like a Ghosthawk!

    3. Bakers


      Idk, I prefer the others, they feel extremely clunky to me.

    4. Thomas


      Also move the fucking weed fieldand make the ganghideouts process something useful for fuck sake

  20. I'll never forget the 10 minute RP session you gave me over TS for my PO. A Big Salute to you, Sir!
  21. Hellcats, people.. Hell.. Cats...

    1. JProfessMan



    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Because you use too many names- i don't even know what to call you :(

    3. JProfessMan
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