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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. So Im stuck trolling these guys till servers up :(



  2. OMG the website is white!!! *hisses, covers eyes*

  3. Reading that made my eyes water.
  4. 76561198030254739 Grandma, good to see you again, hopefully during my patrols I wont come across you in a particular matter if you remember our last encounter...... btw I need apd status if you would so please.
  5. Yep, It's 3-4 taze to the Chest givin the body armor with MXC, and 7 shots to the chest with PO7.
  6. I know, there are many posts on this. Best thing to do is aim for the head. For those that play consistently, they can see the changes and how it affects the outcome.
  7. Civ24275 Minutes Cop19082 Minutes That is my time, 5k more on civ then cop and my actions, high stakes or not, have never been questionable because there is one thing you think about instinctively before you even come close to a questionable action that becomes an option; "Is it worth it?"
  8. I know who you are bro, and I know you were joking.
  9. lol thx sn....... Thomas.
  10. I have been on since last year sept. I have not broken a single rule nor banned for one. It is that easy to do.
  11. As you should be, even in real life there are civilians and police that record situations and encounters to ensure procedures are followed.
  12. Jacob, the entire APD force had to do and experienced what you went through, Some passed with flying colors, others had to wait their time and re-do the interview process. Into which they used that time to study up on the Handbook until the time came for their next interview. Just know that what you've just experienced, a few hundred officers through the time Olympus was open, experienced that as well. So you are not being treated any different.
  13. Spanish and russian
  14. Apprehend a suspect, payed his fines, cussed up a storm at us. Was warned twice to not insult us. Then he threw a whole bunch of insults at us in another language, I restrained him and told him why in THAT language. He was surprised, then preceded to speak in another language and what do you know, I responded in that corresponding language. lol. I ended with a friendly warning; Be-careful who you come across in your travels, you will be surprised what at some of the talents some individuals may have.
  15. There should not be houses in POI's in war-zones, outside if need be but not inside.
  16. Well, I am sorry you are leaving that area sir.
  17. What position are you referring about? Is it the Moderator or the Lieutenant spot? If it is the Lieutenant's spot they have a few or a couple spots in which I believe are still available, there is also a system as to how they proceed with moderator. In either case I am sorry you are discontinuing your broadcasts, and that you feel the way you do.
  18. mortal kombat? Killer instinct?
  19. Yes, in real life terms, it's your life after a certain point once you die of thirst within a short time span.
  20. Dat water every 3 minutes tho, .........
  21. Very true, however this change will filter those not in it for the RP, most join prior of the wipe for the misconception that APD makes a lot of money. And those you have mention are doing as you say, "establish themselves." are doing just that. Not categorizing them as a whole but filtering the amount that are in it for the RP, It will be that much easier from a managerial standpoint.
  22. The wipe, Landmark arrangement, Economical aspect, everything has been arranged to help solve most issues in the game. Another thing I will add is now it is virtually impossible for APD to make any significant amount of revenue while on duty, The purpose of this I would assume is to promote more RP on the force. I wonder what the ratio is now with APD members clocking on for duty............... (true colors showing).......need I say more.........
  23. Welcome Shelby, glad to have you in our community.
  24. Owning up to your mistake and accepting the punishment says a lot about you. I'm still laughing! and I watched that movie, I'm an old fart.
  25. It was quite the announcement made couple days ago with the wipe announcement as well. There will be tons of Players spending their wealth to go out with a bang so to speak.In the days that follow that initial announcement, there will be chaos and mayhem to follow. Some salty folk and some counting down the days thinking whats the point of playing right now until the patch comes (it's inevitable). It's true there will be players that leave for whatever their reasons are. The RP aspect of Olympus always brought that challenge to the servers which most crave for. One of the best things out of this is the fact that players have full control of their actions and those actions through their choices have a positive or negative effect in the consequences that follow. Making friends, enemies, running that risk when doing illegal activities. So much content has been added and implemented along with a fresh restart. There are not a lot of Admins or server staff out there that are active as much as you guys are. So in the end, the effort and time you all (admins) have put into the servers to make it what it is really shows and I am sure a lot of the players that have been with you guys throughout the trials and errors and the beginning really appreciate it. It will be a massive challenge to obtain that player wealth, making that necessary step, to become a drug lord, well known Rebel, well known City Troll, Bad ass cop, notorious murderer, prince/princess of thieves and robbers, or a bad ass cop. The choices are endless, and the possibilities are limitless.
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