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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. It depends on how it goes, you would never know the results unless you try it. Trial and error, if it does not work as easy as it was written, then an alternative can be drawn up or put back.
  2. That would be hard to control, messaging a new hostage taker basically to "take a number a wait in line for 45 minutes." Hostage situations are more civ sided by default, as how it is currently without a senior apps to access whether or not to strategically take them out, give in to the demands and part ways. Because the majority of hostage takers do not have a vigi license.
  3. Only pertains to senior apd, very seldom do they get on. Some occasions they delegate an negotiator as the hostage situation happens more often then not.
  4. Despite all the hate, bleach references, eye rolls etc., in the end the gang known as Tree maintained their rp essence of their gang throughout the years. Those that have been there from the beginning know this.
  5. I know the REAL reason why you want the "plain text" name. Hehhehheh I like the evi....good idea...
  6. Is that some form of a juicebox on ur desk?
  7. I got with the devs, shot around a bunch of ideas, tweaks, etc. Pretty excited with the discussion. I love hosting events, however I would like to wait for the contents discussed to be released as it would be awesome.
  8. Happy birthday!!!!!

    Get drunk

  9. TLDR; Your barking up the wrong tree, post this to Bohemia or Arma.
  10. Not only that but desktops typically last longer
  11. How logical are your processors?????
  12. I'm going to start merging all of your posts into one from now on.
  13. Yea, as much as I would love to do more events. I think that there needs to have some sort of tweaking to the events.
  14. In da works!
  15. nah, you're just scared to take the test. *mic drops*
  16. ^^
  17. Myst Wolfstein Doom Dukenukem Quake Escape velocity Loadrunner Lemmings
  18. I.ment in my videos
  19. What do you mean?
  20. Im creating an epic signature, just takes time, also have more projects I'm working on in other avenues until I get the green light for gang wars VIII.
  21. I was working that day, I wanted to post the winners with their own trailer, however I was not there to get their kills. Took me 6 hours to create, better late then never, hope you enjoy and Gratz MC, this one is for you.
  22. Other way around
  23. Last gangwars there was not a 6 page spread of salt.
  24. Take a number, I'm first in line.
  25. Happy birthday McDili!

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