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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. It was a MK1 and the player never left that corner crouched as I seen him through the open window at an elevated height.
  2. I know, single-fired a full mag into it.
  3. Yes, that was the same amount of distance in my scenario as well.
  4. Yea, then I tried killing a guy in a mud-house (those little open window huts) and the bullets did not go through. Was wondering if anyone else experienced this.
  5. Last Night I shot at an aluminum shack with a MK1 and the bullets did not go through, thought someone has tried fences etc.
  6. just a question for you guys, since Arma patch, anyone notice the 7.62 rounds can't go through walls any more? also aluminum shacks, has anyone tried recently ?
  7. Lol So you took it to the forums, you insult one of my colleges in the APD, you are blacklisted until further noticed by G.O.A.T. You can remain blacklisted as far as I'm concerned. As for taking this to the forums, your gonna need some time to cool off. Have a nice day
  8. This is yet another post from you degrading either the community or Staff. A player does not hold the fate of another player that committed an infraction by forcing comp or ban on them, the Olympus staff will disciplined said player regardless for breaking a rule. In some cases if the player breaks a rule and realizes this, offers comp and is remorseful, we take that into consideration, but that's on their own accord. Stop with these pointless posts pertaining to how Olympus staff operates or how the community interacts around players committing infractions, if you have any issues you can simply put in a ticket. This is your final warning.
  9. take it to the tickets, not the forums.
  10. My friend almost did this exact thing :lol:



    1. Goodman
    2. codeYeTi


      I mean I wouldn't call the police because they wouldn't be able to do anything, but that's a lot of time investment, and I might have pursued it had it been me and I had proof.

      No longer play that game. Lead a world top 1k raid guild for a while then decided that was enough, I'd been there and done that and no longer needed to play.

    3. Tspoon
  11. Money does not grow on trees, servers are not free. Yes it would help if the Community donates, it's not because we are lazy, we cannot afford to be this big if we do not have the funds to maintain it.
  12. oh meh gawwd mcp3dobias favoriteNess hotsauce geeze getting what they always wanted # favorites!
  13. she would never turn her back on a friend.
  14. You Had One Job....
  15. thx, this call-out bullshit is extremely annoying, especially if particular clan ts comms are aids (you know who you are) and when you hear it you think someone is there.
  16. Simple, it's the initial approach or context of how a potential issue or concern is being presented, had you had just message any one of us we would have provided clarity or you could have changed your "MC-Bait" topic name to "I have a question" and you would have seen a much more positive feedback. Promotions were given aside of a test by a simple ride-along, I do not know if you were there around that time, but it usually consisted of a senior and his subordinate riding around and playing the game, senior likes what he sees and gives the promotion to that officer. I would like to remind you that we have over 191 officers and it may be hard to stand out or try to get noticed as you may not only be the officer there in the channel. It's a bit hard on your end or any other player's end that is not with a position of power that knows what goes on regarding APD/R&R/Admin side of things. So your left to speculation, you observe the actions of those in power and come up with your reasons as to why they did what they did, happens also in real life. Now your opinions may be honest and just and you move on, but there are those in the community that observe every detail and hang on to everything to build up a case and create string theories on what is and why and post it for everyone to see. Then particular other members of the community would exploit that and use it as fuel (flame) to indirectly/direct cause arguments and it goes on and on and on. If it was not the MC in respected ranks of the APD it would be another gang, or if it was not Muthinator the Chief of R&R and Dev, it would be another member that the light is on. It comes with the territory, once you are in a position of power the media follows you everywhere and anywhere, negative or positive. In recent event and prior ones, (in no direct order) Olympus staff, sAPD, sR&R, and Support staff make confidential decisions and actions regarding discipline, issues, and concerns to protect the player(s) reporting, and the player(s) committing infractions, from harassment, retaliation, etc. If their decisions reflect the entirety of their factions, they will make it known. Regarding TS communication, we have soo many messages when we hop in TS that it is hard to keep track of them as they keep pouring in. Me personally I have more then 14-15 players messaging me all the time and I do my best to answer them all, aside of my other duties and sAPD, Moderator, and a part of the Community that I love and will always help out.
  17. This is different, this is asking how you can better yourself in your role looking towards the next role. What was posted a awhile back regarding your Opinion was the fact that every time the sAPD hops in to play, you will get players 'hinting' about their rank, "Dam, been a deputy for a month now look!" "Blo for PO!" "So....about my next rank...." This happens nearly all the time. It's a lot better and more respectful if we were messaged, "Hey, you played with me for a good minute, is there any areas I need to focus on?" We have 13 senior members and we rarly get messaged, or pop a forum message, we just get hassled 90% of the times and the jabs that we get in the format that they are given, it's a bit rude and tells us that you think that we are not doing our jobs, when we have a lot of responsibilities as a senior, so we shut it down.
  18. Well you heard it from the Cheif himself, the candidates were given a test regarding their promotions which means aside of their cop minutes they passed and got promoted. One of the reasons why the time eligibility was added as a perquisite to getting promoted was so that the candidate can get familiarized with the rules and guidelines of APD. It is apparent that these candidates provided knowledge relative to their test and passed. On a side note a corporal messaged me, recommending a PO for the rank of Corporal as he felt that this guy deserved it, into which I replied with the following; "I respect that but the problem is (and most deputies and PO'S are not aware of this) is the fact that, they don't really do anything that stands out, regarding sAPD. Some promotions are recommended by their fellow ranking officers and I'm not saying it's bad, it's just that Regarding Corporal positions they have to really stand out because they are that much closer to moving up and beyond and let me just say that there were some mistakes that were made. It was recently agreed that Corporal potentials will be thoroughly monitored and considered if they show true promise." So I understand where you are getting at Mahmound, however, if there is a Deputy, or a PO wondering why they are not looked at for promotions, assuming they met the perquisites and they have been in that rank for a bit, then they have to look at how they play, how they carry themselves, how to stand out, is there something I need to work on, am I playing a bit more then my required time? Message a senior that has played with you a bit, see if they have an opinion on you, it does not hurt to ask. When I started out, I look at the perquisites and I worked on them, and then my activeness and role play, I went around asking for an evaluation on myself to see if there was something that I can work on, closed mouths do not get fed.
  19. Your right you did not, however your topic name suggests otherwise.
  20. MCPD topics were made regarding favoritism among MC members. Muthinator states that regardless of your Rank in the APD, you are given the same test regarding Senior R&R. As R&R procedures differ from APD, I will provide some clarity regarding sAPD actions; If the Chief or one of his Deputy Chiefs decide to promote someone outside of the regular protocol, they will do so. It is within their power and do not need to explain themselves to anyone. I was told that Mercury got Corporal, and Moob got a rank in R&R (I don't play medic to know the ranks and don't care to know what rank is what, love ya guys!). When I was told this I didn't care because I knew if Moob wanted to promote someone without going through the regulars, it's his dam call to do so. This has nothing to do MCPD, and it's getting rather old. If the Chief decides to give a Deputy a corporal Rank, it's in his every right to do so. The members mentioned in this topic that got irregular promotions are not even in MC, as @Peter Long says, you guys want to have it out in the topic regarding this then have at it. If there is any flame or otherwise, restrictions will be issued and this pointless topic will be locked. I was really looking foward to a good read but c'mon guys, they are not even MC members your talking about that got promoted.
  21. here's what Bohemia messed up on during that little update; players that mute players during the load-in screen, sometimes mutes direct chat in game (rip verbal engagement ). Player characters will at random make call outs with their voice in direct, "4 regroup, 5,6,7." At times the groups are bugged to where you would randomly join a group. Other times when you join a group to "spy," and leave, you get automatically put back in that group.
  22. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether or not the allegations are true, everyone that comes into the Olympus community after leaving another for whatever reason, are welcome to play and enjoy what Olympus has to offer. We have a full staff of Olympus administration, APD, Support, and the entire community comprised of new and veteran players that will look out for potential hackers and players who cheat the system, or break the rules that are in place. Olympus is open to all those who visit and are not discriminatory to any one player, we also do not issue discipline to players committing infractions on other non-Olympus related format or content. Thank you for your post, if you have any issues or evidence of any players on Olympus breaking rules or potential hacking, you are free to put in a report.
  23. Verrryyy carferry
  24. Just got home and found this, posting this to get an reaction from the community is not going to help your ban appeal, if anything, it will have a negative impact. It is very rare now these days that players post their ban appeals on the forums because they get denied for doing so. They learned the hard way, time to shut down this post.
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