It was quite the announcement made couple days ago with the wipe announcement as well. There will be tons of Players spending their wealth to go out with a bang so to speak.In the days that follow that initial announcement, there will be chaos and mayhem to follow. Some salty folk and some counting down the days thinking whats the point of playing right now until the patch comes (it's inevitable). It's true there will be players that leave for whatever their reasons are. The RP aspect of Olympus always brought that challenge to the servers which most crave for. One of the best things out of this is the fact that players have full control of their actions and those actions through their choices have a positive or negative effect in the consequences that follow. Making friends, enemies, running that risk when doing illegal activities. So much content has been added and implemented along with a fresh restart. There are not a lot of Admins or server staff out there that are active as much as you guys are. So in the end, the effort and time you all (admins) have put into the servers to make it what it is really shows and I am sure a lot of the players that have been with you guys throughout the trials and errors and the beginning really appreciate it. It will be a massive challenge to obtain that player wealth, making that necessary step, to become a drug lord, well known Rebel, well known City Troll, Bad ass cop, notorious murderer, prince/princess of thieves and robbers, or a bad ass cop. The choices are endless, and the possibilities are limitless.