Simple, it's the initial approach or context of how a potential issue or concern is being presented, had you had just message any one of us we would have provided clarity or you could have changed your "MC-Bait" topic name to "I have a question" and you would have seen a much more positive feedback. Promotions were given aside of a test by a simple ride-along, I do not know if you were there around that time, but it usually consisted of a senior and his subordinate riding around and playing the game, senior likes what he sees and gives the promotion to that officer. I would like to remind you that we have over 191 officers and it may be hard to stand out or try to get noticed as you may not only be the officer there in the channel.
It's a bit hard on your end or any other player's end that is not with a position of power that knows what goes on regarding APD/R&R/Admin side of things. So your left to speculation, you observe the actions of those in power and come up with your reasons as to why they did what they did, happens also in real life. Now your opinions may be honest and just and you move on, but there are those in the community that observe every detail and hang on to everything to build up a case and create string theories on what is and why and post it for everyone to see. Then particular other members of the community would exploit that and use it as fuel (flame) to indirectly/direct cause arguments and it goes on and on and on. If it was not the MC in respected ranks of the APD it would be another gang, or if it was not Muthinator the Chief of R&R and Dev, it would be another member that the light is on. It comes with the territory, once you are in a position of power the media follows you everywhere and anywhere, negative or positive.
In recent event and prior ones, (in no direct order) Olympus staff, sAPD, sR&R, and Support staff make confidential decisions and actions regarding discipline, issues, and concerns to protect the player(s) reporting, and the player(s) committing infractions, from harassment, retaliation, etc. If their decisions reflect the entirety of their factions, they will make it known.
Regarding TS communication, we have soo many messages when we hop in TS that it is hard to keep track of them as they keep pouring in. Me personally I have more then 14-15 players messaging me all the time and I do my best to answer them all, aside of my other duties and sAPD, Moderator, and a part of the Community that I love and will always help out.