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Revenge last won the day on November 19 2024

Revenge had the most liked content!

About Revenge

  • Birthday 09/23/1987

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  • Olympus Gang
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Citizen (3/7)



  1. I was banned within 6 hours for racism that I didn't commit.  I reported the harassment and racism of the staff. It has been waiting for 3 days. Here is Olympus Management. Congratulations. 

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Free revenge nigga did nothing wrong 

  2. i fucking love this turkish man. hot shots supports my nigga ravenge. fuck you POLICE @ Kito

  3. SWGU3-7BRL add me bitches
  4. @ Kito Your mother knows very well. I enjoyed it very much
  5. I want to establish plain logic. When RDM is performed on my teammate, I will also report that person. When a rule violation is made to my teammate, I will also report that person. It will be like this from now on Moreover, what is Hard R? Can someone explain it to me? @ Kito You said you were a kind person. Now I want you to explain to us. Why did you report me? Did I say anything against you? Did I behave badly towards you? On what basis did you report me? How did I communicate with you? Could you please explain it kindly? We want to hear from you.
  6. Wiki Rules: A third party reporting based off just a screenshot will not be valid. I didn't say anything against Police Kito. I never had any contact with him. I just asked him to give me a vehicle. He can't report me. That would be invalid. Also, Money is not requested from a player who is reported for Racism. He asked me for 500k MONEY
  7. Now it's clear
  8. https://medal.tv/tr/games/arma-3/clips/jNUQk31AVxieDROLk/XTO2oToxs0Fc?invite=cr-MSxGVVgsMjgzMDM5NDYyLA I didn't say anything against this guy. We were having fun with the other Police Friend. What's going on? I'm waiting for your comments This is our Dispute Correspondence; Police | Kito * created a new dispute 0 minutes later Racism Hard R (NYPD) Revenge replied 0 minutes later what are you talking about ? Police | Kito * replied 3 minutes later you said the harD R (NYPD) Revenge replied 3 minutes later What is hard r ? Police | Kito * replied 4 minutes later the N word (NYPD) Revenge replied 5 minutes later I didn't understand anything you said. Police | Kito * replied 5 minutes later you said the Hard N word, which is racist Police | Kito * replied 7 minutes later give me 500k comp and a sorry, I wont report you (NYPD) Revenge replied 8 minutes later I didn't say anything like that to you. @ CaloomClark May I know why you banned me?
  9. I am banning Peapay from entering Kavala
  10. Revenge

    My trial

    I Vouch for Wezio.
  11. https://medal.tv/tr/games/arma-3/clips/jvnLLrzefOhsS3jyM/Ufaqfr4SEzB9?invite=cr-MSxCWU4sMzIwNDkzMzEs 

    I Still Can't Understand This. We get engaged at the 5th second. First hit at the 13th second. And they report us from rdm. The funny part is that I join the war at the 40th second. I get banned. 🥴

    1. Big Boss Fredo
    2. Revenge


      nnnga gnnnagggaaaa 😄

    3. Revenge



      I will report him to the Turkish NYPD Chief. He is my relative  😄

  12. NYPD's popularity has surpassed APD. 😎

  13. Dude, you said it well. But it contradicts what @ David Miller and @ CaloomClark did. I hope you want to hear their explanation
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