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Everything posted by JDC

  1. You're welcome fellow APD officers.

  2. APD isn't on Christmas break yet?

  3. Why is my Show Script Error saying

    " @ Milo didn't test his code "


  4. Congrats @ Dr.Dream !

    Very well deserved!

  5. It's not that the rules are grey, it's that some stuff is simply not covered in the handbook. You could say to include those grey areas in the handbook, but the handbook would then be VERY and I need to emphasize VERY VERY long. As for the people going for ranks comment, it's not that people are scared. It's the fact that the people go out of their way to get people removed. I would rather not walk on eggshells while playing a video game.
  6. The reason this is a mindset is there is a group of people who have a mission to see people get removed from APD. It's not worth playing APD for long periods of time when those people are online. While the rules may seem very clear from the outside, APD handbook has a lot of "grey areas" and therefore is up for interpretation on a lot of things. The issue of proportionality is always going to be debated. There is always going to be people who JUST think proportionality is APD numbers vs civ numbers, which is not the way it needs to be looked at as there is other factors to be considered.
  7. Join Support Team and help new players!

    For more information: https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Support_Team

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JDC


      No as there is no reason why anyone besides the STMOTM should have the tag. @ monster

    3. Clashingtin


      everytime I apply I Get removed for not making my tickets man

    4. CaloomClark
  8. Happy birthday @ Milo !


  9. Been MIA so I missed some birthdays!

    Happy Birthday! @ TheHeroNoob and @ Brolaf !

  10. Happy birthday @ Headtaps

    Here to remind you are one of the greatest players on Arma 3 and one of the nicest guys on the server.

    Have a good birthday!

  11. C2F
  12. Congrats @ KermitZooicide !

    Welcome to the team!

  13.  Congrats @ ladymedusa . Well deserved and welcome to the team! 


    1. ladymedusa


      thank you jdc, it’s appreciated ☺️☺️

  14. Post-update Wishlist:

    1. Add a black market spawn or rebel outpost spawn for Turfs

    2. Add titles for putting out fires; put out X fires > you do it a % faster

    3. Remove the defib sound. 

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