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Everything posted by JDC

  1. It seems my o7 post really caused people to look in the mirror. 1 sAPD and 1 admin has stepped down since my o7 post. Coincidence ? Maybe. No shade to either person. o7 @ Noble  @ nicole

    I'm not satisifed yet however.

    @ Winters step down ginger

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. proud


      bro thinks he’s the main character😭🙏

    3. Xlax


      bro think he got aura 💀

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      @ maxg  better hope he never sees me in public because I’ll have him begging me to zip up my pants 

  2. JDC

    End of an Era

    Lastly, here is some advice for those going for a senior position in this server: Decide what position/positions you want Play a lot Stay out of trouble/drama Keep your mouth shut Kiss ass
  3. JDC

    End of an Era

    Element doesn't do ST tickets > gets removed > applies again > gets removed and keeps doing it.
  4. JDC

    End of an Era

    he's not as cute as you and also doesn't do ST tickets.
  5. JDC

    End of an Era

    thank you orbit. we did have quite the journey.
  6. JDC

    End of an Era

    I'll miss you Gary and your trolling
  7. JDC

    End of an Era

    i followed those steps to get in the position, failed to adhere to them in the position sometimes/more than once.
  8. JDC

    End of an Era

    tagged in the post man, our CTF days were great.
  9. The time has come for me to step away and therefore an o7 post is tradition. Before anyone starts to speculate, I stepped down from Senior Support willingly. I was not forced out. I came to FalseBit stating that I was looking to step down. If I was really power hungry (like some of you reading this think I am) I could’ve VERY easily kept Senior Support a 2 year person crew for months and held onto my position. I could’ve gone for moderator if I was truly power hungry. I am proud to say I have NEVER applied for moderator/staff as it was not something I wanted. Now, let me get some things off my chest and open up eyes and ears to what goes on and hopefully promote change. That’s a reach but might as well try. Without further ado, in no particular order: @ Winters you were a shit chief. Glad you stepped down. You need to step down from Admin. You’re a joke. @ Zahzi We’ve had our differences and might disagree with some things you do (like the auditing of LC logs like its a fortune 500 company) and how you do it but you do a lot for the server and for that I have to give you props. @ Mako I have nothing to say about you that hasn't been said before, but like Zahzi ; you do a lot for the server behind the scenes and for that I have to give you props. @ Arnold take a bath, cut the dreads, and seek real employment. @ XOID it still blows my mind how you got senior RNR and how you kept the position for so long. I guess buying video games for the director and being friends before-olympus does get you places. @ Justi1 @ ladymedusa @ Grizzly @ Blue @ Camper @ Marcus @ XnavrasX @ Diamond @ Mark @ KermitZooicide it was a pleasure being beside all of you during my reign. @ Justi1 @ ladymedusa @ Grizzly thank you three for your friendship. It was blast being in sRNR with you all. @ TapTap your friendship, your leadership, and your honesty was much appreciated. @ milos inflated dev2 ego funny mofo , needs to be un blacklisted from APD @ FalseBit likewise with you, your friendship and our reign as Senior Support was a highlight of my time on the server. If Trudeau ever screws you over, feel free to move to America @ knifemaster my favorite furry. Hope all is well. Your friendship and the times we had were great. @ Tyrone Jefferson @ XBlackxBirdX I wish you guys the best. Both of you used to be toxic and made a complete 180 and therefore you are in the position you are now. Good luck. @ -dante- @ Mila your feedback when it came to Senior Support issues was extremely appreciated. @ Dante don’t know why you get so much shit but you’re a good dude. @ Milo stop breaking shit and i will miss your Kamala Harris level word salads of nothingness. @ Sovereign the most mis-understood person on this server. You have your moments and we’ve gotten into it a couple of times, but when you're not raging or on drugs; you're a good person. @ Ricky Falzo @ Dr.Dream @ Deputy Dog @ -Price- @ Doke @ xsmitherz @ Server Lag @ Knawxxx @ Dep Chief NYPD All of you contributed to some great memories on this server and your friendships mean the world. To the people I missed, I probably honestly forgot or didn’t have anything to say. Thanks for all the memories. Lastly, here is some advice for those going for a senior position in this server: Decide what position/positions you want Play a lot Stay out of trouble/drama Keep your mouth shut Kiss ass And while being a senior seems fun, there are cons to it. It’s fun at first but then you have to learn how to navigate the politics of the server, the outside forces that are out of your control (of which there are many), and many other factors. You have to rely on your higher-ups to do their jobs and to be leaders, which some of them are not (btw this is not shade at @ Marcus or @ Rexo i fkn love/respect those dudes) . To faction leadership, be leaders, be clear on what is expected, and have their backs. To those seniors who are power hungry and will not step down for any reason. There are multiple people gunning for your spot, you were one of those people once. Please do yourself and the server a favor and step down. It is a video game. This is not real life. No one IRL cares about your position on this server. o7
  10. I know Dante gets a lot of shit (mostly by fucking idiots who don't know the rules) , but Dante is an actual good dude. Dante is always helping out with support cases and giving opinions and advice to Support Team and Senior Support when he doesn't have to. And before I get accused of this; no I'm not trying to get mod and this is my genuine feelings.
  11. Take a peep for the reason. Pretty sure the person who made the comment was either Walt, Mako, or Zahzi.
  12. Happy birthday old man @ FalseBit

  13. imagine being a dev2 and not knowing that a website can send you emails......

    his name starts with a M and rhymes with silo

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Millennium


      @ Milo you occasionally disappoint me.

    3. Ryan


      @ Millennium  Unfortunately @ Milo always disappoints me...

    4. Millennium


      @ Ryan  FACTS. @ Milo  wouldn't financially support @ milos inflated dev2 ego  and I yesterday and we had to go and try to chop cars for money. It ended with us being tased and killed by Sr. APD and us even more broke than we were BEFORE.


  14. TNM every 3-6 months:

    1.hops on Olympus


    3.bitch and moan when they fuck around and find out

    4.forums/status update bitching

    5. stops playing 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. -dante-


      can confirm JDC has not applied for Mod

    3. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      I was going to defend TNM but even I'm not dumb enough to challenge the ultimate power of a wiki curator.

    4. doubleueyeceekay


      JDC never applied for mod he tried to leverage his position into going straight to admin thanks for the revelation @ -Shawn-

  15. Okay this is good content @ Community Director Sov
  16. Congrats @ FalseBit and @ knifemaster

    Well deserved!

  17. Congrats @ FalseBit

    Welcome to the team.

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