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Doc Holliday

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About Doc Holliday

  • Birthday 10/01/2003

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  • Olympus Gang
    88th Division
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    Doc Holliday#0840

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Anti stop speaking out your mouth do I have to mention the war stats again?
  2. Sovereign I promise you, no one is scared of you or your gang.
  3. That war that made us "cry" we are still wining on the stats page? So how does that make sense? I would say you're not so much soviets in the arma 3 community, more like the French. We kicked you out of sofia and won every war against you. We literally made you into a puppet state we control. Shut your mouth and fill up your oxygen tanks and go back to the depth of the ocean.
  4. You actin big tough even tho the war stats show we have kicked your ass everytime XD
  5. Thats why the poll is about legal items. If the idea was added they would only be able to see and sieze illegal items from brief cases
  6. Doc Holliday

    $5 Mil Giveaway

  7. I found live footage of anti when house cap was still a thing https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=whale+in+water
  8. Hawk gang on top!
  9. More like seeing who the most hated and the second most hated persons on the server
  10. I mean you could of just @ Big John1 for the 50 change
  11. Yes that is cool and all but: https://www.google.com/search?client=opera-gx&q=How+to+fix+a+car+tire&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_yeX5YYHgMpi1qtsPt6qW-AU20
  12. What Are the Symptoms of an Ear Infection? Earache (either a sharp, sudden pain or a dull, continuous pain) A sharp stabbing pain with immediate warm drainage from the ear canal. A feeling of fullness in the ear. Nausea. Muffled hearing. Ear drainage.
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