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Everything posted by Chaplain

  1. Prison should just be made offlimits to processing civs entirely, ontop of this situation which is blatant exploitation and should be handled accordingly, but the Prison also has AA cover that cops can fly freely thru but civs cannot. Its become a precedent that when apd is getting hounded especially by air vehicles to run and hide in the Prison.
  2. Real concern is that it bothers your insecurities enough to post bout old news like this.
  3. nah im an equal opportunity bomber, kinks, sex, religion, skin color dont matter, ima blow you up one way or another.
  4. better stop worryin bout them furries and more bout the lottos you bout to start losin enmasse.
  5. I will support this, if and Only if Sov is taken out with the Furries. I mean if were gonna just randomly start "saving" the community by eliminating the minorities, lets do it right.
  6. Lookie lookie whos got a cookie, mako be showin that pre val day love with a giveaway hug.
  7. rigged...jk gg to the winners.
  8. tf do you k eep mentioning rp for, no one rps here. lol oh no silla cant own kavala and constantly break nlr and regear immediatly anymore
  9. In what weird way do you expect randoms on the internet to be role models? most are chill cept mako but dudes braindead so it cant be helped
  10. Playing devils advocate here. but in 30 mins of any illegal run or low tier event, Art Gallary/Pharma you can easily make a Mil. So it could be reasonably justified to give that to winners who stayed the entire match and won.
  11. Not my fault your playing ignorant to the situations you cause, or is it youve caused so many you cant remember, must be easier to play the victim card.
  12. You legit started this thread calling people retarded and DD a nazi. I have personally seen someone beat you at hide and seek on the Caps and you call them a hacker and a cheater, and when you were proven wrong, and refused to apologize to them after others called you out for it. You are not innocent, you are not the victim every single time someone claps on you, but like most head up ass individuals you got an ego that is easily bruised and readily made to be a victim. you are the poster child of the extreme lefts ideology of victimization where none truly exist. You always have a justification for what you do, always try to put blame on others, but every story is a 2 way street, and you repeatedly fail to accept your own ignorant actions that lead to these situations.
  13. Actually Sov, the majority of that paragraph was from my seeing your behavior, it has nothing to do with what others say bout you. I dont care who y our friends with. or who likes you. the Point i made originally is the same point ive made to you repeatedly in side chat. how you present yourself is how people perceive you and that perception is shitty and toxic.
  14. Sov, im not saying your ideas are bad... but the fact remains you are as toxic or so than any of your detractors, weather your capping or being serious its not just on the forums but also in side chat regularly. I cannot count the times the server has been quiet even moderately being peaceful with each other and you log in and start in on people for no reason or because they are taking "your" caps. Ive watched you attack people for there nationality, call people cheaters with no evidence, make any number of toxic ass commentary and then the majority of the time when people clap back you cry foul threatening to get people banned for harassment. Now im not backing what the civ council or head of has chosen to do or not to do in regards to you but alot of your issues with the community come from situations you yourself cause... you claim to love the server, the community is what makes the server. you seriously need to step back and evaluate your "love" of the server if you cant moderately understand that if everyone in the room is an asshole per your POV, maybe its you thats the asshole and not them. You may have good ideas or bad ones, they may be well received or not but how you interact with people is a large reason why im sure myself and many others can agree we dont want you on any server related grps for decision making. So keep tossing the ideas out but be humble enough not to shout from the roof tops everytime one of them gets used.
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