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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. Not going to lie, Black Ops 3 is a nice change from Arma

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      After a month or so? Activision games don't drop in price for about 2 years =P

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I got my, *clears throat* em... ways

    4. Dustin87
  2. Appears nobody got his IP wrong, sounds like something you'd do Hi,That user was banned cause, as so many if not all "Life/RPG" players, he seems to never have mastered the skill of reading and as such he thought he could post whatever he wants on our forums without having to respect our rules. When stuff backfires, it is the only time they care.So, banned for advertising/ignoring the forum rules.Greets,Foxhound
  3. I found a wild Poseidon on a stream, who woulda guessed

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BENJI


      It'll be fun seeing Poseidon Code, and him maybe talking to da chat?? ;):P

    3. Poseidon


      I was gonna a few days ago but since i'm unfamiliar with the Exile framework and still learning it, it woulda been real slow. Also if i'm not streaming I don't have to worry about showing sensitive info like database passwords or just other junk.

    4. ToeKnee


      poseidon i hope you dont forget about altis life -.-

  4. Some say you fucked up others say you fucked up I say you fucked up EDIT I'll send a private message to Foxhound to see if I can get some reasoning for your ban and perhaps even unban, check your emails and such. I'll send you a PM once light is shined upon this situation.
  5. Most people leave their password linked to email
  6. i took it m9 will trade 4 knif if any1 intrested
  7. Are hacking/exploiting bans carried over to exile servers? Don't wanna see a non-friendly hacker from Altis Life on dem servers

    1. Dustin87



    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I don't mind exploiters as much, but hackers...

  8. Take 'im hostage I guess, idek
  9. Never keep it saved. I'll be making a post on how to keep same password, yet unique to every website and more detailed version of this today or tomorrow.
  10. If the Medic is not shit at RP then he'll not even bother reporting My medic has a family and something to live for, fuck it - I'll do anything to live
  11. I mean if I got many guns pointed at me, and this guy there is bleeding and they care 'bout him, then I guess I'd revive him yanno... this whole 'value your life' thing is not really taken into consideration 99% of times
  12. I suggest things such as google authenticator, steam guard etc. - those little measures will help out sooner or later. Perhaps never, but you could end up like cLoak - right
  13. Quick Account Protection Post After being in many communities with many games I have learned a lot about people trying to get information from you, today I have stumbled upon one on Olympus teamspeak. Whatever happens, do not try to retype the URL in image provided below as it will most likely end up badly for you. A user from Southern-Arabia (Most likely a proxy from there, 90% of times those scammers are from there) by name of aposzx has sent me a link with a believable look. It looks exactly like a Steam one, but when you hover over the link as in in picture provided it shows it's real face. DO NOT ever click these links or end up like cLoak and loose a lot of money through items on your steam. Here is an example of the phishing link, and how it looks: Simple BB code was used to transform a believable looking steam link to a 'logtocontinue' website link. Don't be a fool and click those.
  14. I play on 10 FPS most time. I'm best .50 driver as the gunner most of the time is stationary for 5 seconds to get a shot Also, that video is still better FPS then I get. Meth cartel, I get out the ifrit and for whatever reason Arma decides to drop me down to 1 - 4 FPS for 5 seconds if someone is nearby. Even if friendly.
  15. Corporal logic: Lethals > Tazers. This guy all on his own? Yea, fuck it - lethal him even tho I could make more money by tazing. xD ggwp

  16. Parkinson's Aim Confirmed http://i.imgur.com/3TqeDKN.webm (RDM'ed after being on for 10 seconds :D)

    1. EatMeth


      He got a one day ban for spaming side hah

  17. Can't until Poseidon adds the Stats page again.
  18. I adapted to what his intentions were my good sir
  19. this isnt chat you fuck 1g
  20. If you took him seriously, you should not have access to internet js
  21. Skeeter Appreciation Day! Be there in THREE days, boys

  22. Combat Seizing all round boys

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You have to be in combat for it to be combat seizing.  You where dead ^_^

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      And so was Mr Kevin 5 seconds later. 20 seconds later Ifrit gone ey? ;)

  23. Lets do this boys.
  24. RIP Mushroom runners. APD wins again!

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