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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. Best Shot: Corporal_Moob Best Driver: Ares Best Heli Pilot: Ares Best Officer: McDili / Clamenza Best R&R: pHunter Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Adi. Best RP'r: chainz Most Tactical: cLock / Adi Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Moob/cLock/Devil/Gary Most Reliable: Moob, always there to put you down Most Dedicated Player: Dannyfrog, you can't do anything to get him off this server. Trust me. And finally... Most Valuable Player: pHunter
  2. Welcome
  3. Lost 4 mil bounty. Shoutout to Hyperion for the lethal in restrains :D

  4. First time ever have I seen everyone work together and not shit talk against each other.

  5. wats with dis stuck on altis/stratis map bs

    1. D3V1L
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I join server and just stuck on the map screen >_>

  6. Don't work on the server... just saying.
  7. Let Snake build the bridge, if he makes a better one then Warfare he can stay.
  8. Like a rehab... everyone will be following rules and not getting banned! Salt market will finally go up too!
  9. http://strawpoll.me/4867912 ly <3 yes i know im retarded and cant spell polls.
  10. Shot in back during a fed by Snake and rammed by Adam. // End of shit talking plz.
  11. #FreeRogueMK #FreeAres

  12. Waitin on thread locks huehue

  13. Here we go again...
  14. Lost 6 loadouts, 1 heli, 1 ifrit, 1 fully upgraded tempest transport. Welp, excluding the RDM & VDM today I must say its been wild ^-^

  15. Happy birthday Ace ^-^

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SPBojo


      please correct yourself grammatically and delete 2 / 3 o.o

    3. Adaptation


      Why can't you all get along* shitter

    4. SPBojo


      and the second sentance aswell... nobhead : 3

  16. I was looking for new field n... helpers...
  17. Can have two members of the community banned for NLR and other for Combat Logging/Exploiting, but do I want to continue the ban war...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SPBojo


      Because fire's cool

    3. Poseidon


      I mean he's got a point, fire is pretty dope.

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Not dope when it's your heli that's on fire...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fedot


      who was that nd how shit is his/her internet

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Someone from Prae

    4. ToeKnee


      if you were actually aiming to the right were he teleported you would of got the kill cus thats where the server thinks he was but you client though he was too the left

  18. Marketplace prices can be saved to the DB from which they can be pulled after restart to keep same price going. Alternatively text file and such are another method. You can then pull information from there and display it on the website. No idea why you need MyBB forum for such a simple function...
  19. I'd hate to do a Meth run just to find out someone on #1 sold on me...
  20. Personally I do not think that Frankie hacks on Counter Strike. He did not jump into competetive straight away, unlike a lot of people. He has been playing the game in casual, private matches learning smoke spots, flashbangs spots, played maps which help his aim and so on, until he started playing competetive and was just like a smurf. cLoak for example got put into LEM after 11-12 games (but he cheats so its k) - he unlike a lot of us does something until he perfects it.
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