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Everything posted by Nick5523

  1. somebody stole my corporal rank, can I get comp?
  2. can confirm. I use a Benq and I've had it for over a year now. The 43'' is only $530
  3. chill there RougeKM
  4. Nick5523


    hi bojo
  5. In my town in South Carolina, if there is ANY Ice (doesn't even have to snow) the whole town's power turns off
  6. +1, never really saw it
  7. Virtual inventory is not able to sync to cop loadouts
  8. Manslaughter charges are not added when civilians kill people. PLS FIX FAST
  9. Tree has money?!
  10. I still have a mk1 somewhere, may be willing to sell it in the future for a good price
  11. No but I will buy the lynx that someone pulled out of the crate at rebel and the navid and various other cool shit
  12. #justvirusthings
  13. one of the servers.
  14. COD is better
  15. Holy fuck, just realized you can now shoot titans from the back of an offroad

  16. I like the idea of tear gas for cops. Feds/jails are civ sided anyway. As long as a rebel can sit in one spot and shoot responding cops, the situation is civ sided. The tear gas would prevent people from sitting in spots that are near impossible to push
  17. My power supply was de_dusted and I will not be on until my new one arrives.

    1. babooshka


      Oh no what will Olympus do without you

  18. had the same question. I have the means to create news videos, but I don't have any videos except kills and RDM tickets
  19. That doesn't make much sense considering the fact we run miles a day.
  20. can confirm 0:52, watch how the video skips from when 3 rip fired his first shot to 25 seconds on the respawn timer
  21. why the fuck is your neighbor in your house abusing you?
  22. According to Poseidon it is herion, until we pointed it out to him. For at least 2 months after wipe, it was called Herion cartel.
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