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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. I bought 20 once. Didn't pay attention to the price. Facepalm
  2. When you pull a car out to drive away so the cops chase after you put a speed bomb on a cop car andget rdm'd. Fml

  3. I think helis should have this when we open the map. RIP Taxi chopper




  4. @Poseidon Can we please move the Jail spawn to R&R after you get out of jail? Would solve people complaining about getting RDM'd , cough like myself.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      Dumbest response ever.  Haha. The point is getting released from jail should not put you in a redzone. And I heard sirens in the jail, but not outside.  Trying to access a locked vehicle.  Bahaha.  With what, my pecker. Gtfo lol. Jog on...

  5. That's where I was spawned as well. As far as running back to Prygos damn straight I run. But I usually go to the RR where you can get a car out. (At least it used to anyways) If I didn't have a pilot helmet and carrier rig on I would have cared less. But I was sent to jail by accident by a cop to sit 5 mins cause he panicked from jailbreak on screen. Seriously though, the spawn outside of jail needs to be moved though.
  6. Wrong, you still have to engage them separate of the jail break.
  7. DB? I think they dead :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      Every time I am on, no one is on. Haven't seen Inky in 3 months



    3. Not Important

      Not Important

      [DB] Majestic is my daddy, there is a ton on early morning for me all the time

    4. QKSILVR73


      Everyone has been asking me how to join.  I have to tell them gots me. I havent seen anyone in charge

  8. Is this like having security guards?
  9. Soooo. I pay my fine but sent to jail by accident during an active jailbreak and killed when I get out of jail at the spawn location. Yep that's my night in a nutshell.

  10. Man server 1 is aids tonight. Sure could use an admin this late lol. Oh well. Video incoming


    1. Aress


      I'm at work :(

    2. QKSILVR73


      or hardly working


  11. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fknowyourmeme%2Fvideos%2F10153944363078737%2F&show_text=1
  12. If it's doing it when you alt tab, stop alt tabbing. Also either update your video card drivers or Roll back to a previous version.
  13. What error message are you getting? unless youve disabled the error popup.
  14. Is the Hospital by the Fed a redzone when a Fed is active?


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dejay


      I was at the situation. I was watching you with your range finders out and we were all confused what you were doing. Next thing we know we start getting shot from other there by c. We kill them but one of our guys went down so he went to the hospital to get dope and you were there and he thought you were with them. Common mistake. No need to get anyone banned, you had rangefinders and a racing suit.

    3. QKSILVR73
  15. Sorry I have a nice Kavala house with a beachfront for those nice quiet nights.
  16. Just a Giraffe


  17. cops getting away with murder!!
  18. I get RDM's so many times in Kavala, it's not worth my time to submit a video. I bitch about it in sidechat and move on. Honestly not worth it unless I am fully geared.
  19. end Plenty of Epi's
  20. 300k for a plane you really cant do anything with but fly around?  overpriced

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      @Muthinator quiet you! Lol 

      All I did was buzz people with it.


    3. Muthinator
  21. When a cop or medic suicides and you revive them. LMAO!!!

    It was funny, but seriously maybe an option for medics, or APD to deny it. Don't think that's even possible, but..

    1. Talindor


      I would LOVE to see footage of that LOL!!!!!

    2. QKSILVR73


      @Talindor  I think I do.  Ill try to get a snippet up in next couple days.

      @McDili I still think it should be left cross faction.  There was couple times I did it to a cop and they got the perp unexpectedly.  It adds a new dimension to the RP aspect of it. Last night was a blast haha.  


  22. When you ask your wife to update arma3 and you get home to realize arma3 auto-updates were disabled.



    1. ProfessionalHostage


      could be worse.. its taking me 16 hours to download because Mississippi DSL

    2. QKSILVR73


      yeah took me 25 mins I guess I can't complain


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