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Big Boss Fredo

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Everything posted by Big Boss Fredo

  1. Don't know which cop/admin was running this taser but thank you gaVG4U9.png

  2. Can a cop please raid one of my houses already? I’m getting tired of my houses always being full, I had to start giving tasers out to random nakeds in kav. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Brandyn you guys are taking so long I’m about to join the APD and raid my own house

    3. Boovin


      Hit @ Civak [Rainbow 6 Tournament Runner Up 1972] he raids first and thinks later 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️

    4. Milo
  3. If somebody offered you 600 they are most likely going to scam you. Where did you find this buyer? Did he add you randomly?
  4. The Chinese value is the real cash value. And nobody will actually pay him $592 because everybody is trying to make a profit. All cash out websites charge a 15% fee, twitter YouTubers are like 10%-8%.
  5. Find a known skin trader on twitter that have a YouTube channel like anomaly, heyzeus, ect or even me. they will cash you out. Don’t get scammed. Also your knife looks like a Doppler phase 2. The cheapest Doppler phase 2 FN flip knife is $592 USD right now, that’s the cash value. also you can add me so I can check if the float is anything special. https://steamcommunity.com/id/F1NALFORM/
  6. The guns I list on black market I’m not trying to sell, all of my houses are maxed out with tasers so I’m using the black market as storage https://imgur.io/QmirVqk
  7. Throw me a offer, I already do have one offer on the table
  8. Hello I’m selling a couple tasers. Will give a huge discount if one person or gang purchases all (admin middle man) because it’s going to require a lot of house storage. Sting x18 Spar x22 Spar S x4 Promet x14 MX x32 CMR X27 Rpk x3 Mk1 x14 MXM x7 Mar 10 x4 Vermin x3 ADR x2 Five seven x14 Zuber x8
  9. Hey king thank you for spending 30 cents a minute to respond to my ban appeal in Cancun but I thought the rules state I am allowed to tase cops 3 times? Maybe any senior can give some input. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Little Kev  not solo banana and Satan was with me, and let’s be honest clash this ain’t the first time lol, first time getting banned for it 

    3. David Miller

      David Miller

      I won't talk specifics of bans publicly, if you want to make an appeal feel free.


      Rule questions tho, happy to help. Like most things in our rules its vague on purpose. The rules say "don't excessively tase". There is no 2 times its OK but the 3rd oh no its a rule break. The thing staff looks at is the intent. If a player needs to tase twice to run away, all good. If a player needs to tase someone 3-4 times because a buddy is climbing the kav office building to restrain, all good. Once we get above 4-5 it becomes pretty hard to justify, not impossible, but difficult. This doesn't mean 5 tases is the 'limit'. If a player tases twice, and clearly has no intention of moving the engagement forward, no friends in the area, not pushing, not running away, not getting a lethal out, and generally not progressing the situation, its excessive. 

      We tend to be even more strict about tasing cops during Federal events because its done for no reason other than to slow down the pacing of a federal event. The cops cant be restrained, and cops aren't supposed to be engaging random people when dealing with a fed, so not a whole lot of situations where tasing would be nessicary.

    4. Big Boss Fredo
  10. RIP tier 1 vigi meta 😞
    now I have to use one of the 200+ tasers I've collected OsS0u5I.png

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Cale


      I was on vigi council for awhile and made my way to corp during the time deps only could use pistols and corps only had t2 vests. The rule shouldn't be changed in the slightest, if you're running around on cop getting tased by a po7 you need to rethink some things as @ Sevro  said. Also tazing cops might be one of the most fun things to do on civ, no reason that vigis shouldn't be able to taze cops. As people have previously stated, cop is a straight money printer with pretty much no risk, if you're scared of "losing" money through your Y, maybe lay off the dope shots @ Element_  Also "infinite taser as long as you have money" would apply to any taser, just have the find the right seller. Only thing that I think would bring "balance" to this, if it needed to be changed (it doesn't) would be to make the vigi license cost more each time its stripped by the APD

    3. Boovin


      So crazy how people like @ Little Kev think nah cba applying for a job today gonna hop on Olympus and roleplay as a cop (again) and then spend all night losing shit to a dude with a p07 

    4. Clashingtin


      Olympus is my full time job idk what your talkijg about bro I make so much olympus money you wouldn’t even know what to do with 

  11. Should of invested that money into a new hairline
  12. You’re a career cop so you know your comment is fake retard also it’s hard to buy granits when you’ve been stuck at 80k for the past year broke boy
  13. eeYm3vu.png
    the APD pussy-ass, cake-ass, punk-ass, trick-ass, sucker-ass, fuck-ass, dick-in-the-booty-ass, K-Y Jelly-packing-ass nigga
    You better get your bitch ass up off the street, nigga
    You got five seconds to get your hating ass up outta here,
    Cause it's some trill-ass niggas in this motherfucker
    Yeah, nigga, y'all know the motherfucking sco', y'all non-snorters,
    Non-smokers, non-sippers, get the fuck up out of here, bitch
    Nigga, it's some sipping-ass, pouring up-ass, smoking-ass,
    Getting high-ass niggas in here, Three 6, UGK, nigga,
    We putting it down in this motherfucker
    And we ain't playing witcha, y'all know the motherfucking sco', homie
    Now pour it up, nigga

  14. If anybody wants to donate to smittys family here’s a link, I personally sent his wife $1000 to cover some expenses. Anything helps even $1 https://www.haisleyfuneralhome.com/obituaries/jd-smith

  15. e04651ce3c1d9fd9e2081dabf18bd8a7.jpgthis is what I imagine you look like lil snitch ass nigga

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Legendary


      Context? I see a lot of people calling this guy out.. what he do?

    3. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Legendary nothing except for being very white 

    4. Clashingtin


      spot on man how did u find me

  16. I don’t get why you try to lie, you forget I make cop robbing montages? The next one you’ll be in it 7 times
  17. Broke nigga I got 5 mk1 tasers on the black market right now from you GOOFY
  18. @ ZimZim in the future please don’t IA clash you would be ruining my mk1 taser farm. Kid has given me more tasers than house gave to mike hawk
  19. Sadly nothing will happen to clash he’s winters lil lap dog, winters and him are very alike because they both have no friends.
  20. Rest in peace to my brother Smitty901, one of the leaders in NYPD and the reason why I still play on this server. When I first joined last year all I wanted to do was RDM in kav but smitty invited me to his gang Omni and showed me the server could be much more fun than rdming in kav with rooks. Much love brother I’ll miss you ❤️

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