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Big Boss Fredo

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Big Boss Fredo last won the day on September 15

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About Big Boss Fredo

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Olympian (4/7)



  1. Fuck this nigga if you know you know 


    1. KermitZooicide


      This game came out before or around the time a lot of people in this community were born, a true classic though

    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ KermitZooicide  I’m using this song for my next montage 


    3. Teddy_


      Wizet before nexon

  2. When you own 70% of the taser market you can set the price what ever you like same as stocks I’m a whale nigga
  3. Shit I dont want lowkey, Not selling Individual. ONLY ONE GANG OR 1 PERSON CAN PURCHASE ALL THIS LOOKING FOR OFFERS.
  4. @ Milo  im back for 10 minutes i tase 5 cops and server crash's , Im about to buy the server off @ Ryan and demote you back to support team

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. -dante-


      Can confirm major tom was always destruct lol

    3. CaloomClark


      i don't even use a mk1, shows how many times you have robbed me ig.... @ Big Boss Fredo

    4. destruct


      I have not logged in a while and did play as Major Tom, confirmed!

  5. Somebody posted this on my last montage so it must be true, @ Ryan  I didn’t know you had the ability to give vac bans what do you have to say for this?


    So if you think Olympus is bad... if you dont mind reading this it will give you some light unto why the server is how it is now, Olympus was at one point the best server, that was at a time where Blackwater, Tree, BPM, and hex were the most active, Tree and Hex being among the top ranking player base, unfortunately the server owner stepped down and handed the ownership to Ryan, as soon as Ryan got power he did a mass ban on players who opposed his corrupt ways, you see... in the background tree had been formed with a bunch of corrupt admins inside, giving themselves and everyone involved with tree immunity to RDM, One of those members being, you guessed it.... Ryan, Ryan vac banned all members in Hex, Blackwater, and BPM..... I Was among those people, never been banned before, never received a warning before, and yet... as soon as Ryan became owner, we all got shut down.... why? Because Blackwater was about to be the most powerful gang in Olympus, and since hex and BPM were finally allied with Blackwater and Tree was falling, Ryan did not like that, he had to do something, when you habe the power and control of the whole server in the palm of your hands.... what better way is there to take put the threat of loosing your reputation? You guessed it, permantlry banning your opposition seems effective.... this is one story from just another og Olympus player who fell victum to the coruption of the Olympus staff team, I am [Hex]legendary... Ryan if you ever see this..... make Olympus great again, step down from power you tyrant... I'm not done... I promised Ryan he would be haunted by the ghost in the future, that time is near... Ryan... get ready...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ David Miller  Retard my dad is bill gates so say good bye to ur xbox 360 account bozo OR you can add the 500 rob cop title

    3. David Miller

      David Miller

      @ Milo  GET THIS MAN HIS TITLE! I cant be banned from NCAA25!

    4. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ David Miller  that’s right if you fuck with me I wont let you play saints row 2 co-op with me and I won’t let you play any of my custom forge maps on halo 3. Do you want to say goodbye to Jenga? How about all the memories we shared on rainbow six Vegas and all the zombies we killed on dead rising? 

  6. Somebody free Sov already it’s boring without her him they that nigga here
  7. Whatever happened to the ATU? @ xsmitherz  it’s like every gang @ Rexo  has created it disbands in 1 week 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. maxg


      @ Big Boss Fredo  We gotta let you get some wins or else they might nerf the ATU!

    3. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ maxg  400-2 tasers ain’t letting me win some, nigga I’m taking them 

    4. katel


      I agree I'm good at the game @ Big Boss Fredo Dog Smile GIF by MOODMAN

  8. Any gang wanna buy 100 tasers off me? I need some house storage 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. xsmitherz


      not mine but do u xD

    3. Tman15tmb


      I'm going to start rolling around with a P07 haha

    4. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Tman15tmb  a lot of people try what I do but once they whiff they get tilted and never use the p07. That’s why the tier 1 vigi meta still exists nobody uses it 

  9. In my honest opinion the server is dying and there’s no fights on caps because @ Mako  won’t add the rob 500 cops title. I won’t stay silent about this anymore. 

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ Mako  if you cared about the server you would skip the rob 500 title and go straight to 1000

    2. doubleueyeceekay


      the apd are literally quaking in their boots thinking about the potential for a 1k cop rob title :s

    3. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ doubleueyeceekay  already robbed 1000 of these niggas just no title to show it off 😞 

  10. Who the fuck plays asylum other than people banned from Olympus
  11. This guy scammed me before I was trying to buy a hatchback sport from him and it ended up being a hatchback non sport fuck this guy
  12. Another great day for the ATU LMAO

  13. ATU is now recruiting! REQUIRMENTS:
    1: Be the opposite of a fragger.
    2: Cry in disputes every time you die.
    3: Don't play Arma unless you have a pocket admin.
    4: Breathe with your mouth only.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-


      If I endorse the anti ATU do I get a robbery pass when I finally get caught slipping? 

    3. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ -Shawn-  All APD members get robbed we don’t discriminate 

    4. -dante-


      Someone unban GOAT we need the OG ATU back. 

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