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Everything posted by Hawkgnewaccount

  1. all those hours to still be terrible at the game
  2. Hawkgnewaccount

    Summer Raffle

    Should be the American dollar @ Mako
  3. Aliens are obviously real its practically impossible for us to be the only life form on 1 planet out of 600 quintillion in a universe so big. Until we reach interstellar travel we will never know
  4. i've had someone message my dad on facebook they never got permed lol
  5. why is @ codeYeTi a little bitch?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FaXe


      fuck off fatty

    3. Skys


      i wonder if yeti still has the dms in the garage

    4. Xlax
  6. @ Caden u give people like this swat but not me u are a scumbag @ Winters Same goes for u, the people u have in sapd are dogshit and washede
  7. Real picture of mako trying to please nicole by getting buff to somewhat resemble the trucker and biker girlfriends nicoles had
  8. still terrible at arma so ur computers doing u a favor
  9. you have no room to talk we were asking the same question when u suggested hatchbacks having oil storage my guy
  10. https://gyazo.com/7bb3598f09ff55c1d204ab4663fb642e the most renown gambler
  11. Guys I have decided to go pro in War Selection, I will no longer be able to devote time and any further positive contributions to this community if you need any ideas on how to run things around here just let me know

  12. Easy to do when u get staff points this isnt a flex sherm
  13. I dunno man how is winters still head of the faction its crazy shut up whale
  14. eta on freeing pablo

  15. Doesnt matter that they own gear they are still too dogshit to use it the only thing they will do is pull zafs and rpgs against deputies lol The worst staff gang to ever exist, they cant even hold gangbase
  16. Day  56 winters being useless and staff does nothing about it 

  17. Did u go to the alleys of sophia?
  18. There was a fight at school today 

  19. the things winters does are unprecedented never once has a chief been inactive for that long, and yeah its mainly the age exception lul
  20. Ahhh so who do you think should be chief
  21. downvoting my shit
  22. @ monster get off dick lil bro
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