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Status Updates posted by Squeeze

  1. Blessed to see another night and to live another day! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

  2. Happy Valentine’s day everyone! Have a wonderful Wednesday! God bless! 


    Quote of the day.

    “Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are.”

  3. Just know if you're struggling with things in life, you're not alone. People are a text or phone call away! Don't shy away from asking for help or seeking it out. Things get better! 💪

    1. Billeh


      The first thing on the forums ive seen in years that hasnt made me want to kms

    2. Evannnnn


      Almost didnt want to kms then I saw @ Billeh s name

  4. @ Joel  
    Quotes of the DAY!!!

    "Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."

    "Get busy living or get busy dying."


    1. Joel


      Nothing changes if nothing changes!

    2. Squeeze


      @ Joel You couldn't be more correct!!

  5. I got on tonight for about an hour. i jump in a teamspeak with all senior and retired apd personnel. the first thing i was asked was how my new born child was by @ xsmitherz   . if that don’t speak on the quality of the person he is I dont Know what does 💪🏼💪🏼, much love 🙏🏻

    1. xsmitherz


      Thank you for the kind words! Congratulations again 🙂 

    2. SPBojo


      He told me KYS at some point so idk how consistent this behavior is


    3. -dante-


      It’s not a 1 off either. Almost every time I’ve been in a channel with him since my back surgery he’s asked about my recovery. Great dude. Flies with a joystick which is something but other than that very good dude 

  6. Good day everyone, I hope everyone has a great start to their week. If you didn't, I hope things get better towards the end of the week!!

  7. My daughter was brought into this world today at 1102am 🌸💝

    Im a blessed father!! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lea


      Congratulations! 🩷🩷🩷🧁🧁🧁

    3. -dante-


      Congrats brother. I hope you said goodbye to sleep. Cause she gone now baby 😂 (as I’m running on 3 hours sleep cuz that damn toddler don’t care it’s my birthday lol)

    4. Squeeze


      yeah i know it’s gonna be a little crazy for a couple weeks but my son when he was born slept through the night at two months old so hopefully i get the same turn out

  8. Some absolutely solid guys in gals in the server today! Hopefully there is a good bit of gaming tomorrow cause it’s Super bowl Sunday!! 

    Everyone have a blessed night! 💪🏼

  9. Saturday is here, let’s have some great gaming today! What’s everyone’s plans this wonderful weekend? 


    I hope you all have a great day!! ✨

  10. Everyone, today is the day! Friday is the day most people can’t wait to get to cause that ends the work week for most. Have a great day and i hope it’s an early day for you all. If you work this weekend god bless you and i hope it’s fast and exciting. 


    -"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction."

    1. Joel


      I hope you have a phenomenal, exciting and safe weekend Squeeze! Thank you for all your positivity!

    2. Squeeze


      @ Joel  God bless you and your family, i hope you achieve everything you strive for this weekend! I’m glad my posts have reached you brotha!!! 💪🏼👏🏼

  11. Late night of gaming with some solid APD officers! Have a wonderful night and I hope tomorrow brings everyone more accomplishments. 

  12. This week is almost over everyone! The weekend is near, I hope this weekend is full of happiness and a whole lot of gaming!

    Kiss your wife and hug your kids because tomorrow isn't promised! 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Squeeze


      @ Millennium One day you will hopefully 🙏🏻!!!

    3. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      I will be getting black out drunk and speeding in my mclaren 720s through a school zone

    4. Lea


      I don't have a wife though.. So I kissed yours instead 😉😘

      You have the best dreams @ johnny goose , ps moving in with "you" is going well!

      @ Millennium  in due time!


  13. Good Morning everyone, today is your day. The next achievement is close just keep moving forward! 

    1. -dante-


      Seeing your daily posts makes me feel like I’m working with my old unit Chaplain again. Which is good cuz that was one of my favorite times in the military. 

    2. Squeeze


      @ -Shawn-  I’m glad i can spread some light on you man 💪🏼 thank you for your service !! My battalion chaplain has like this quote of the week thing he posts and it’s always motivating in some way. 

  14. What a wonderful day! Hope everyone has a great day. Only one more day until FRIDAYYYYY!!!!

    1. Lea


      You have a lovely day as well! 🧁

  15. Good morning all, its a blessed day.


    Sometimes the answer to all your questions can be found in the way they remain silent.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Squeeze


      Nah, it's because people are so damn negative about a game when they get on! 

    3. Joel


      I look forward to the daily positivity post now 

    4. Toretto


      @ Lea number too high to calculate 

  16. Great ending to the night! Got work in 4-1/2 hours! I hope you all have a blessed night! 

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      hands up or be tased nigga

  17. Little APD grind tonight !!! Its a work in progress....

    1. -dante-


      @ Big Boss Fredo  leave this one alone he seems nice

    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      @ -Shawn-  ima rob him twice and get banned for it 

  18. It’s a blessed morning! Get up and go, keep moving forward! 

  19. It was a good day of gaming. Everyone have a wonderful night 💪🏼🌄!

  20. How often are the promotions for Corporal and up in APD? Just looking for some information!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Squeeze


      @ Clashingtin  yeah those types of hours ain’t happening. I dont Know if there is anyone on the roster now that does that lol

    3. Hazardous


      Honestly just meet the requirements set out for CPL & stick out more than others. Understand the rules, be vocal in channels, demonstrate good leadership, roleplay and do things you oftentimes see your CPL+ do like setting timers, delegating situations when there is no higher up, & things of that nature. For times you do not have to hit 60 hours, but if you demonstrate consistency we will notice. Senior meetings are typically bi-weekly and we go through the list of eligible POs for a promotion and if you stick out, we will consider keeping an eye on you and possibly signing you off for a test. Best of luck

    4. Squeeze


      @ Hazardous  understandable and i appreciate the information/advice! 

  21. Billy Joel performing at the Grammys last night was a win for sure!! 

  22. It’s Monday, but indeed it’s another day. Let’s get some good gaming in today! It’s to easy. 💪🏼

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Millennium


      @ Ryan  does love his free plugins that fuck shit up and require a web dev to unfuck it.

    3. Ryan


      @ Millennium  why do you think we promoted 2 @Senior Web Developer's? Zahzi got tired of my shit 😄 

    4. stayclaxxy
  23. RNR & APD complete let's get it!!!

  24. Good Morning everyone! I hope you’ve have a great weekend and have a blessed day today! 

    1. bigSMOKE


      you’re such a cutie pie 

    2. Squeeze


      god bless your heart 😘😂

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