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Olympus Plus
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About Yomo

Profile Information

  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Bad Blood Corp
  • Location
    Moscow, Russia
  • SongID

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448 profile views

Yomo's Achievements


Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Think everyone needs to tap the boof
  2. A lot of disputes there, def skill issue bro just ripped you
  3. What a chad
  4. Pretty nice flying
  5. If I got permission I'll send my ass tattoo I got while I was drunk the other night
  6. Anyone know proper song ID? can't get the jams to work 😕

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      The option is there in your settings but it won’t show without being a legendary ($500+) donator or a member of staff, as Lucien said. 

    3. SPBojo


      You are also doing it wrong to begin with, you need just the ID which is explained right below the prompt to put a song ID. "Put YouTube Video ID ( part after v= )" which as a example in the case of my profile song would make me take the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pApxGQrUFXk&ab_channel=ConquerDivide and remove everything besides "pApxGQrUFXk" which i then put as Song ID for my specific profile song to work.


      So yeah, donate 500+ or become staff and you can use this feature.

    4. Yomo


      Wowzers I got excited because I saw it on editing the profile but didn't know all that 🥲 thanks tho guys

  7. One day we will come up big... One day
  8. Too low for a backflip LMAO
  9. No cap he was almost landed when you started spraying the chopper brother. Rulebook is there for a reason
  10. Damnnnnn
  11. My name is Yomo and I lick windows
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