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Everything posted by Franxx

  1. for a second I thought it was just the shots and u missed most of those bc i mean skill issue but then I see the guy drop 50m in the air and survive w out being legged
  2. Perfect for storing meth ingredients hmu w offers all fully upgraded
  3. @ Milo stop ticket farming
  4. @ -dante- 0/2 today is crazy smh
  5. @ Darknesss 1 kiss for the mar-10
  6. @ Milo if you dont fix the server im going to do things to you...

  7. u got my vote
  8. he got comped 10m
  9. its ok im glad u got paid now accept war invite and stop ending so i can rob the money from u
  10. @ Mr Miscellaneous ur protected by staff?
  11. title says it all if you have a decent unique/5c that you want to get off your hands PM me
  12. @ Cowboy-
  13. @ Milo any comments?
  14. pref a villa or shed willing to pay big bucks hmu if u wanna sell
  15. @ Cowboy- How Much Virtual?
  16. bros gonna be serving a life sentence in this life and the next one
  17. hmu if u got a unique around here preferably a industrial shed/villa
  18. "purchased legit"
  19. @ LKongo how much for the DP5 5c if still available?
  20. Wait so what 10% is right?
  21. push
  22. Franxx

    WTS Meth 5c

    sorry you pay the TP tax so 32m!
  23. Franxx

    WTS Meth 5c

    its listed at that but im willing to hear offers.
  24. Franxx

    WTS Meth 5c

    Listed right now for a Buy Now Price but willing to take offers https://imgur.com/a/Kv7c1z4
  25. hmu if u want to sell preferably on the left side of town.
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