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Everything posted by FluffyTEDDY

  1. But as i stated, i am a 100 Dollar donator, but i would really like to be able to buy stuff like the GA, and the suit, the vr suit and the other things that we can't buy
  2. I mean, we buy the DLC'S and still can't use the things that the DLC provide, i think everything should be unlocked to everyone tbh
  3. Heh, i try to do my very best every day
  4. What does it mean when there is a red line over the video sign on shadowplay?

    1. FluffyTEDDY
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      It means the shadowplay software is running but it isn't currently recording.  You need to open shadowplay via the geforce experience and toggle it off and on and you should be fine.

    3. QKSILVR73


      yep what Grandma says, cause Grandma is always right. Well mine was.

  5. allright, back and trying to stream for the first time, come and join me and tell me if you like it or not :)



  6. I AM BACK GUYS :D:D:D Hell yeah, feels good. all i need now are my TS tags back and we are good, downloading Arma 3 as we speak :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY
    3. Brennan


      You can back up your team speak identity so the server knows it is the same client. That way you don't ever lose ranks/tags you had on team speak.

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      couldn't cause my laptop crashed :P but i have gotten all tags back :)


  7. Well, brought the computer home, hooked it up do my TV, and no signal from either HDMI 4K kabel or the standard VGA cabel D: A friend is comming tomorrow with a computer monitor to see if it works 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Talindor


      Told you you had two ports, just need to "finger" out witch one :P

    3. FluffyTEDDY


      hahaha :D well, i fingered it out at last :P xD 

    4. Talindor


      Hope to see you on the force soon bra 

  8. Only a few hours left now until i return ;)

  9. My computer is now ordered, picking it up tomorrow, paying for it at the store, and then i am gonna get up and running in a jiffy, and the first ones to know when i return will be the forum :)

  10. I am a 100 dollar donator, and i think all the stuff that legacy donators have should be avalible to everyone
  11. Final stretch is here, i am to return to you guys on Tuesday ;) So to thoose who have missed me, see you in a couple of days my friends <3

  12. http://www.hardwarezone.com.sg/m/tech-news-latest-asus-rog-g11cb-desktop-intel-skylake-processors-now-available

    This is the computer i am going to buy, it also comes with AEGIS - 2 Surveillance system andGameAlive recording software if anyone knows of it, pros and cons?

    1. Brennan


      That thing is a fucking tank.

      Core i7-6700 processor

      NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

      Those are pretty much the best practical CPU/GPU you can buy right now.

    2. FluffyTEDDY


      The one listed on this link is a bit more powerful then the one i am to buy, it only has a I5 6400 and the NVIDIA GTX 950

      But good news, by the end of next week i will return to Olympus ;) The Company i am bbuying the computer from has a click and collect system, wich means i can order the computer, and pick it up after 2 hours and pay at the store :)

  13. Basicly what i did was if you where gonna go on and on about not having this, not having that i would send you straight to county for being an illegal alien or fail RP due to calling out APD rules cause they got caught.. If you don't wanna get caught, then stop fucking do dirty crimes, if you get caught, well stop fucking bitchin and RP your way out of it
  14. How the fu** have gotten so much negative rep??
  15. In a couple of weeks i am sure i will return, talked to my parents today about them helsing me buying a new computer, so i hope that i will return and come back by the end of January/beginning of february ;)

    1. BlackJack


      Awesome man cant wait :)

    2. Albert Savage

      Albert Savage

      That's good to hear man, Hope we see you soon!

  16. Thank you dustin87 for the bad rep on my comment towards mavericks apology ;) Truly shows how little you care.. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      Me calling him out is just a statement from my side.. But in all honesty.. He's a troll, and i have stopped bothering with it... The statement is just fun sports for me 

    3. JoeL


      Well ya Rusty he has 123 Rep bro he cant go down to 122 Hello? <3

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      It was all about making a goofy statement :) But everyone is entitled to their own opinion about why i made it :)

  17. I am going mental... I know i've said so many times i would leave the server, but yet i stayed :) Now that i'm unable to play due to being without a computer still i realise how much i actually miss my Olympus friends.. I will return as soon as i can guys 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      It's allright tho fam :) My parents have kind of said they are gonna put in a amount towards my new computer :)

    3. ToeKnee
    4. Andy125
  18. Happy new year to you all <3 :) 

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      You too man. It's 6:55pm for me still ;). But thanks! 

  19. Still without a computer :( i can't wait to come back to my Olympus friends :D

    1. Talindor


      Soon my friend, soon.

    2. Bobby


      You haz those? Haha jk see you soon teddy !

  20. Oh Olympus :( How i miss you :( 

  21. merry Christmas everyone :)

  22. Day 1 without computer and Olympus: How i miss you guys already :(  

    1. FluffyTEDDY


      Wtf @Dustin87?? You give me negative rep for missing you?? Fuck you boy

  23. Well, i knew my laptop wasn't gonna last forever, hope i'm not gonna be away from my Olympus friends for to long <3

  24. Well, my laptop decided to leave me and died, so e decided to allmost punch a hole in it just to finnish it off... I am going to have to take a leave of abcsence until i buy my new computer, wich wont me long overdue i think :( 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      Well it lasted like two years and all it gave me was shit frames and much stress :) Happy to see it gone cause now i have to buy a new computer :)


      I will see you all when i return :D


    3. Peta


      perfect male thinking. Do not sell until it works good, so you have to spend less to upgrade / buy a new one.

      Wait til it blows up, get 0 money for it, and spend more to buy. haha

    4. Talindor


      Your better off with a desk top hands down, they last longer and are fairly cheap to upgrade or change a part if need be.

  25. #HYPED to see the new update :D:D:D:D:D:D

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