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Everything posted by FluffyTEDDY

  1. OMG, why does the server keep on crashing??? 

  2. Sad to see you leave Travis, you where a great Admin and you will be sorely missed
  3. FluffyTEDDY

    Hi :)

    Hi, and welcome to Olympus :)
  4. You will be missed Buddy, you have been through my rage moments and my recovery to something better, had a moment where i told two other players exactly what i felt about them wich leaded to me getting a harrasment ban, but i am not gonna argue with that since i said some really stupid things.. We all learn from our mistakes, but back to the topic.. It's been a good run, sad that it has to end. Hope to see you again once in a while, good luck with whatever you choose to fill your days with and have fun buddy
  5. It's so you can see the other medics on the map like you can with the group and APD, R&R only showed up as a small green symbol, now you will be able to see the name of your fellow medic on the map
  6. So yeah, see you all on monday

    1. ToeKnee
    2. QKSILVR73


      must be on vacation ehh Fluffy?


  7. See you buddy and good luck hope to see you from time to time
  8. OVH how i hate you...


    Time to find something more stable? 

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      they are taking a crap yes

  9. it does not happen to everyone tho, and not often either
  10. I don't know what to say, but we have been having issues where the player is invisible and needs to enter a car to become visible for some players again.. Might have been why he did not see him
  11. Day 1232 - Captains log



    1. D3V1L
    2. Snake


      you're literally all idiots if you think its actually worth poseidons time to help keep this dying game alive. If you refresh the ol arma servers list, it doesnt take much to see that the playerbase of every server, not just this one, is barely existent. 


      Just let it die folks.

  12. I can agree it was not the right moment to shed some light on this, but when is it ever gonna be "a right time" to shed some light on all the disrespect that's happening in this community, and i'm not talking about people joking around calling eachothers names and such.. The toxic levels on the forums are just growing and growing and if no one wants to do something about it, then i am afraid that this will bring down the numbers of this community and prevent us from ever getting new members
  13. i don't know how many times i'm gonna have to write that i do not defend Adpatations actions, but unlike other people i took it up with him via private messages and not so everyone could see.. You can say whatever you wanna say Peter, i learned from my mistake and keep reminding myself about that every time i am on so it does not happen again.
  14. I never raged at you in the medic TS, i simply made a suggestion wich was politly denied because it was neither the time or place to talk about it.. and it was never a accusation, it got sorted out by a few messages sent between us
  15. I am not talking about me Gary, i am talking about trying to better this community.. When my own friends tells me that they don't wanna join this community after taking a look at the forums and then something has to change..!§
  16. I do nor defend his actions or aprove them, and this is not just about this incident.. I am talking about every single time someone posts something good or bad they get roasted, talked down on, hated and so on... And when i adress the problem I get hated for it...
  17. This is exactly what i am talking about Gary, THIS type of attitude towards other people in this community... Am i the only one to really that this is destroying this community?? People are seriously afraid to join us, and when it gets spoken of it just lands on more hate.. This has nothing to do with adding fire, this is about trying to do things differntly, trying to get people to see the bigger picture and how much this is hurting this community..
  18. It's not about creating drama moob, this is about trying to improve something that to many agrees with, but few are willing to admit it in fear of getting roasted and hated because they want to make this better. I do not agree with the things that anyone said in Adaptations post.. I myself wanted to roast Adaption for the comment he made about Booboos friend, but he is still my friend and i took it up with him by texting him privatly instead of in full public view.. You know what i've been trough more than anyone regarding my past with MC, and you also know the amount of repsect i have botten for all you guys after i came back from my break
  19. This has nothing to do with my past Koko, i've changed.. I was consumed by hate and anger that could've sent me on a awful path.. I took a break and came back stronger then ever and every day i am on i remind myself of how i was and that i never wanna go back to where i ended up before i turned it around to what it is today.. We all have IRL shit to struggle with, but this is not the place nor time to bring it up Koko. Like i said you can either hate me or love me, but i've changed, and if you or anyone try to change that back to what it was i will be deeply dissapointed
  20. I did see that part Koko, and belive me i pray for his friend and his family EVERY SINGLE day.... I do not agree with how it was handled AT all, and belive me i've told Adapation that he was way out of line with that comment..... But i am not just talking about this situtation with Adaption, it is one just one it the line of many situations where things shoul've been handled way different that it was handled... Frankly i do not care what you think i should do, cause i know first hand how it is to loose a close friend... Keep in mind i have to live with the fact that my friend got shot in the back by a cold blooded killer consumed by hate for everyone with a different skin colour then white... So you can either hate me, or love me.. BUT the hate in this community needs to stop, or else it will destroy it.
  21. I did read it all Gary, and you out of all people should've handled it differently, if people see that the Chief of police who is also the Head Admin behaves like that, then there is nothing to stop everyone else from doing the same.. I do not agree with his methods of dealing with his problems, but it makes me sad to see all the hate he got.. I've been there myself, and it hurts so much watching thoose who should step forwards as good examples for others join the ranks of thoose who hates and talks down on everyone else on a daily basis, Even Devil agreed that this is not they way it should've been handled by SAPD and thoose who are sworn to keep this community on its track... So i am dissapointed in you and the rest of SAPD Gary, that being said he said somethings that never should've been said, but it does not justify all the shit he got... The kid is in pain, he needs us to support him, not push him away
  22. Recently a good friend of mine made a post about how he feel about the current situation in APD, and he got chewed up and yelled at by both APD members, civs and SAPD, even the chief fell down on the same level av every hater in this community.. Why is there so much hate? People have told me that they are afraid to stay in this community cause of all the hate on the forums, people take one look and they run away cause they don't wanna be a victim or apart of all this hate.. I agree that making a post about it is not the correct way og handling things, but i am both ashamed and embarassed to witness SAPD and how they handled it.. I am sad that this community has turned into every man for itself.. The hate has to stop cause this hate will destroy this community, the hate has to stop cause it frightens thoose who wants to join us.. If SAPD can't handle things on a pro and humane level, then who's gonna set an example for others to follow?
  23. I don't know what to say anymore, seeing several SAPD talk so much shit to one person, even the COP being disrespectful, hell in my eyes that's an emberacment. i posted several times that the shit talk needed to stop and noone seemed to care, is that what this community is all about now? Talking so much shit that other people are scared to even come close to us?? 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      So you think it was justifiable to say what he said?

    3. FluffyTEDDY


      Nope, non of it is.. but unlike others i took it up with him in private instead of in full public view

    4. Nobli


      Which is why he quoted something about not saying words behind backs? Even you can see the irony in that. Oh and profiles aren't private obviously. That and I'm no fan of echo chambers.

  24. It was funny though I was expecting to be shot at, but nothing happend haha good fun :)
  25. Soooo, i was playing medic last night, and some player comes up to me and tells me hands up or die, i have a perfect oportunity to get away and i take it, he never fires one shot at me wich i found really weird, but then he proceeded to text me " Why did you fly away? I told you hands up or die" and also sent that he could shot at me cause the rules stated that he could wich i know so well NO offence to the player in mind, he's a great guy and it was a funny situation SO MY QUESTION IS: What is the funniest question you've recived on this server?
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