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Everything posted by 10K

  1. it would b cool if they would process the apps since they wanted to whitelist lol. 

  2. we back!! Twitch.tv/austinfullerr


    1. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      are we for real or?

  3. thats what you think. like arnt you server two ? you dont know shittttt.
  4. k
  5. Saturday an nobody on ? wtf. 

  6. it needs to be at least a 3 or 4 crater Pm me if you wanna do business.
  7. I will be back the 29th i miss you all!

  8. does anyone know of any good free movie websites to use ? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fuzy



      Recommend you use a VPN, some ISPs get upset. They have an app aswell. Best movie-streaming service in my opinion, everything is good quality.

    3. 10K


      @FuzyDice i tried it and it tried to make me sign up an account. 

    4. Fuzy


      You don't need to make an account. You don't need to use a VPN either.

  9. were is all my homies at ? 

  10. coolin boolin 

    1. Produs


      so you are cooling twice, or are you a crip turned blood??? 

  11. Well after seeing the average players that are on the Tanoa map i think my opinion was 100% correct, that shit is garbage af. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Big B

      Big B

      I think it has a lot of potential, I REALLY like the map, there just inst much to do and it gets boring not being able to gear up until after midnight because everyone camps the two rebels.

    3. ToeKnee


      I made more stuff relax 

    4. BlackJack


      @ToeKnee may I ask y u kept killing that one guy at black market ? And y u no talk?

  12. When your whole gang is on but on a pointless ass server. I'm just sitting here like... :DansGame:

  13. you should add the stealth balaclava to altis and tanoa! @Poseidon

  14. what is wrong with Server #1 ? 

    1. bigballs


      dunno, cant connect to it as well.

    2. Will Maher

      Will Maher

      is it not just me? does it say 89/100 but u cant connect?

    3. bigballs


      no mine says 0 out of 100

  15. when is this new update for ALTIS coming out ? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brennan


      1 minute ago, platinumfire said:

      2pm est


      That is Apex release time, doesn't mean Olympus will be updated at that exact time.

    3. platinumfire


      well its a start of when it will come out instead of "soon"

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
  16. in need of a gang for gang wars.

    1. BlackJack


      Ur late rosters were due July 2nd

    2. 10K
  17. tanoa sucks to me put all the clothes and weapons in altis. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Momentum


      I think the weapons and vehicles will be added when the full expansion comes out.

    3. Heatflow
    4. BENJI


      Tanoa isn't officially out yet hello??? It releases on the 11th

  18. any updates on tanoa ? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 10K


      awesome gonna hop on now :P

    3. 10K


      when will the server be open again you know ? 

    4. Tman15tmb


      The dev server for Tanoa is only open to staff and developers currently.

  19. i am no longer a member of SoF such as they have disbanded. 

    1. platinumfire


      Well never saw this coming

    2. Augustus


      RIP. Who you joining next?

    3. 10K


      idk i kinda wanna join c.

  20. How's everyone doing today ? 

  21. anyone down to help me out with some video editing hmu! seriously need to put some vids together. 

    1. Chaos


      pay me and i will.

    2. 10K


      link me some of your vids that you have edited. 

    3. Chaos
  22. for all of you that think the stealth helm is op in tanoa i really dont think so tbh. 

    1. Augustus


      Nobody uses thermals anyway 

    2. 10K


      exactly but i hope its still at rebel just bc it looks dope af. 

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