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About McLovin

  • Birthday 01/26/1999

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. What are the donation perks? I used to play on this server a while ago and donated, I just don't remember what perks I got :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. McLovin


      damn really? I remember there being perks before.  That blows.

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      There are no longer any donator perks because some guy donated a large sum of money and expected to get perks and did not because that would violate BI's monetization rules and reported olympus to BI because they let the legacy donors keep their perks which I don't think was against the rules but BI made them take the perks away any way but they are now available to everyone.

    4. -dante-


      10 minutes ago, Panda :) said:

      There are no longer any donator perks because some guy donated a large sum of money and expected to get perks and did not because that would violate BI's monetization rules and reported olympus to BI because they let the legacy donors keep their perks which I don't think was against the rules but BI made them take the perks away any way but they are now available to everyone.

      SV didn’t report btw :P 

  2. where my real friends at doe


    1. McLovin
    2. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      Idk why buy I know you.

    3. Nuski


      Shut yo Alessia Cara lookin ass the fuck up 

  3. hey bb... i miss you<3... pls still love me

  4. I'm mclovin the new apple emojis

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I haven't tried them yet as I am happily jailbroken on 9.0.2 ;) 

  5. 3 month forum anniversary was on 4/20 lmao

  6. So, how's everybody's day today?

  7. Anybody know the location for both of the servers?

    1. Fat Clemenza
    2. Dustin87


      Compton and canada.

    3. Fedot


      straight out of compton

  8. 2-Month anniversary on the forums. Love you baes <3

    1. Pringle Mccringleberry
    2. Fedot


      function SessionCheck($id, $pdo)


      try {

      $sql1 = 'SELECT * FROM `users WHERE `session` = :id';

      $callback = $pdo->prepare($sql1);

      $filter = '/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g';

      $id = preg_replace($filter, '', $id); // Remove Specials

      $callback->bindParam(':id', $id);



  9. Spring Break for a week, finally. <3 <3

  10. McClane and Cody, you two saw nothing.....

    1. Odin


      Where's my comp?

    2. Codyhellbringer


      The gopro 4 was rollin

    3. Fedot



  11. Now 79 profile views :(

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