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Josh last won the day on October 3 2017

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About Josh

  • Birthday 06/29/1997

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  1. Where the arma reforger server at...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fraali


      Completely different engine, language, and basically everything. It would be a major learning curve, and some of us don't have the time to do so.

      We also only have a handful of people willing to develop for A3 as it is, and splitting that up would cause a slower development rate for the main A3 server.

    3. Boovin


      Need someone else to release a mission file first to steal it, be patient please 

    4. Elements


      id buy the game if oly had a server, make a deal with bohemia

  2. I do not like @ Mako .. never have never will but like you sound fuking stupid @ The Antichrist . wasted time watching that shit video full of lies and unproven conspiracies. here take this tin foil hat clown. @ monster not cheating.. he just gets 300 more fps then you.
  3. What does he do to make you so mad?
    1. Grandma Gary
    2. monster


      after his first strafe, I already knew that was how it was ending.

    3. Skys


      that's one way to take down a ghawk i guess 

  4. LOL 10 people on conquest 

  5. Josh


    I've been thinking about it over the last few days and have come up with a solution to this problem. Same thing happened to Factions on Minecraft it simple just died out and how we made it last longer is by lowering the group size. In 2019 we had group sizes of 50 and by 2022 we had it down to 6 to 3 group size every map. fyi 5mans was OP.... Yes smaller group sizes will hurt but its a quick fix for a dead game this will give new players that have small groups more of an opportunity to cap a flag. How many groups can pull 10 people online nowadays? not many. Also @ Cory for president!!
  6. 2mil for the airdrop ifrit
  7. Josh


    Tbh if the server gets more then 30 people on it everyone starts lagging and doing the dougie backwards up hills and that shit is not fun... not to mention the fact that its the SAME points on the same shitty maps. Players should also be able to vote on maps and points hours before like on the discord or something. Also someone needs to add rpk to swat shop
  8. 1 month of PC Game pass 


    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      sold this on g2a for $5 thanks bud

  9. Who decides what conquest map is to be played?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Toretto


      The random rotation algorithm is powered by Google Tensorflow. The A.I. automates the process for us by picking the next map. It utilizes data points fetched from player playstyle to best determine what map will be easiest for TeamPlayers to win. Then, with the help of quantum processing, we are able to establish a baseline for how much to pay players on average for their contributions.

    3. Zahzi



      What Walt said is correct. It's determined by a weighted random algorithm where the weights are decided by the conquest polls, also never selecting the same map twice in 4 conquests.

    4. Josh


      @ Zahzi  remove malden no on likes it and replace it with lingor 

  10. L on the bright side you now know where all her houses are... blow them mf up.
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