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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Joce

  1. Map a controller to heli controls and fly like its GTA
  2. Winamp
  3. Joce


  4. Joce


  5. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=19bhI10UpHYQv_wrQNQ1XuKtk4Bo&hl=en_US&ll=39.91497785604107%2C25.21817450000003&z=12
  6. +1 a story about Burban Interview @ Corporal Moob next.
  7. Joce


    Once you o7 you cannot ever return so do not even try.
  8. HAHAAHA rebels are brain dead bots i knew it! No skill? no prob. get a rebel license.
  9. https://www.logitechg.com/en-ca/products/gaming-audio/pro-x-gaming-headset-blue-voice-mic-tech.981-000817.html
  10. 7yrs later I still haven't recovered from the last wipe.
  11. Long ago a madman rolled into Kavala square with a suicide vest on yelled hands up or die... one man put his hands up before the vest exploded. A fail RP ban was dished out. Classic!
  12. Prolly Lemnos https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemnos
  13. Ok. The same idea but in a blimp!
  14. no.
  15. Stop trying to play on a windows 95 laptop.
  16. Make sure my Arma3 Olympus bank account makes it into Arma Reforger Olympus Bank account or else.

  17. Joce


    Vigi is the most rewarding role on the server. Nothin gets me harder than ruining some whiny lil shits day. This thread is givin me a chubb.
  18. Joce

    Hows Oly

    No fulltime S2 so not worth.
  19. 3 months from now OP @ DylanBeRad will be the server owner. Show some respect.
  20. Joce


    Nothing tastes better than salty tears. Cry into my mouth.
  21. Unpin this post. Don't glorify quitters.
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