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Everything posted by BlackJack

  1. All I can say is it's your fault you broke rules it doesn't matter if it's an accident rules are rules no one is above them . Hope u rethink your decision about leaving but please don't complain about your ban the staff doesn't just ban people they are smart about stuff like that.
  2. Welcome hope you enjoy your stay but please before you start please read up on the rules
  3. No. That's what I'm here for
  4. No Problem
  5. Well I'm gonna be honest once the stuff from Tanoa is added to Altis Tanoa will loose a lot of people I think but other than that it's up 2 u
  6. Lol sorry hehe xd
  7. Wow just because your a dev your something? hmmmmm knowing that I'm a medic I guess I am nobody weird.
  8. don't forget about this
  9. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN -TI- takes the W on [MC] ! Good Job Boys 

  10. July 11 when apex is released and a couple of fixes , that's what I was told by a staff member idk if it's gonna come out 100%
  11. 99% u gotta be kidding me ! Nvm 100% noice

    1. Tdog


      Lol I thought 15 would do it at first

    2. BlackJack


      @Tdoglol was about to donate 5 to get it to 100 but I refreshed , it was already done 

  12. R.I.P My bank account 6 mil spent today 5.5mil spent on selling and buying new houses smh dude !

    1. Linka


      but you bought me one so ily 

  13. So I just bought Apex I need help where do I find it on steam?

    1. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Right click on the game 'betas- and select apex

    2. Vestora


      Right click Game View Downloadable content Betas apex

  14. Anyone know why the filter button isn't popping up on my screen? 


    1. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      I believe there is no filter button for the Recent Servers.  You have to be in the Internet Tab for the filter..

    2. -dante-


      Have to be on the internet tab to 'filter'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-


      Congrats brother

    3. BlackJack


      @DanteFleury Thank you so much man , looks like I didn't need the piloting help at all

    4. -dante-


      That's good shit. I'm glad you were able to pull it off on your first go. 

  15. anybody willing to sell a garage close to kavala rebel?

  16. Anyone know how to fix texture glitch? Its really annoying when ur trying  to fight

  17. Nope don't recall that but I do recall trying to get him unbanned but ya already know it obviously didn't work but I understand y , it's just the staff man
  18. I was but I was bothering the staff a lot and I learned that it's a waste of time because it's not gonna happen I mean it's been a long time and the staff just doesn't agree upon it
  19. Can u guys stop fussing the staff with this there decisions were made and they are complete and finalized . If they were gonna unban him they would have done so (just my thoughts) . This kinda makes things worse
  20. The Man , The Myth , The Legend .......https://gyazo.com/130b894cdef0822b30d38570b5334e52 MARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Augustus
    2. -dante-


      Let's just ignore dante fleury.. :ph34r:

      Happy you're back tho @Marty

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