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Ghost R

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  1. "Unfortunately, some of the community members are to blame for this need by trying to 'beat the system' and launder the cash. If everyone followed the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) below we wouldn't have to do this, we could easily remove the cash and move on." Take ownership of the situation. You're in charge. You messed up.
  2. Well guys, after getting the perm yesterday it seems my time has come. Before being wiped from the server and unable to sign in on here I wanted to take a moment to apologize to the entire community. I am not going to go into detail as to what I did to receive the perma. All I will say is that I acquired information at a very unfortunate time for myself. I appreciate all of the good RP times we had, and I hope that you all can hold this server together and begin rebuilding the community that existed back over the summer months. For your own sake, be sure to follow the rules to the max and try to be a role model for all of the other players. I wish the best of luck to all of you, not just in Altis Life, but in whatever you do may it be real life or another game/server. And once again, sorry for letting some of you down. However it is what it is. I've been compromised. Ghost out.
  3. Hades for President 2016
  4. To an extent, I understand what you are saying. There have been gangs (clans) in the past who break SO many rules. Personally, I don't record too often and don't care too much when people break rules, however it can get out of hand sometimes. Fortunately for me, most of my problems (the hypocritical gangs) have left Olympus. A few remain however, and I plan on always recording after this update takes place on Sunday. Especially in the early mornings.
  5. I have my filter set on "Olympus" as well, when I saw that I just laughed.
  6. Hades, thanks for the response. Yeah it sounds like a pain, I'll think of an alternative. =P Guido, thanks for the suggestion, I think I may try a low-key operation of what I explained. I'll have my friend call the shots, we can make something work. Thanks guys
  7. Hey guys, hopefully I can get some good feedback on this. The other day my buddy and I were messing with cops demanding the most random items. I had an idea where I would sit up in a hill with a sniper, and he would tell the cops that if they do not comply, a person would be picked off every minute. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE NEVER DID THIS - JUST AN IDEA. We didn't because we weren't too sure how to RP that. We would obviously text the cops every minute, but would we need to also send a side chat message every minute so the civs are aware of the situation? Or text the civ we want to shoot? It's kind of a tricky RP situation, and I have my own opinions on how to RP it, however I would like some clarification. I don't want to screw it up and face the ban hammer =0 Thanks for the time guys!
  8. Besides Arma 3, I occasionally play DayZ Standalone, LoL, and very rarely some good 'ole Battlefield.
  9. Termy, I'll miss seeing you on cop brother. I hope you find a great server to play on.
  10. Yes, this game has ruined my life. I get different tattoos put on my and removed every day depending on what clothing I'm wearing. My wife and kids left me, I was fired from my job, and all I do now is shoot people, take their weed, and sell it. It's a rough life. Oh, and I also get mad IRL when it starts to rain. =P Cough cough wink wink hint hint.
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