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Developer II
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Everything posted by Milo

  1. Happy birthday @ Peapay !!!!

  2. Bro huge birthdays today!! Happy birthday @ TapTap  @ NokiaStrong  and @ Skys  🙂!!!

    1. NokiaStrong


      thank you mr milo

  3. @ Peapay  Congrats on dev 🙂!!!

  4. Your application has been accepted for interview. Please wait in the "Developer/Designer Applications [OPEN]" channel in TeamSpeak for an interview.
  5. Your application has been accepted for interview. Please wait in the "Developer/Designer Applications [OPEN]" channel in TeamSpeak for an interview.
  6. Kinda wild you are posting things from her social media and the takedown notice on your YouTube on the video you were just claiming you never uploaded. For someone who is trying to proclaim their innocence, you've down an outstanding job at cooking yourself. Anyone whose been around this community knows that doxing is something we take extremely seriously as it can present serious IRL repercussions for the person whose being exposed. In the interest of protecting community members, we oftentimes address those instances with perms. If you'd had even just taken accountability for the situation and/or been apologetic about it I don't think you'd even be in as bad as a situation as you are right now. However you didn't. If you continue trying to post content from community members personal social media pages, you will be restricted from being able to post to the website indefinitely. Which would make it significantly more difficult for you to make another appeal if you chose to do so. You are permitted to continue to criticize/question/pollute (within reason). You are not permitted to spread harmful content that puts community members at risk.
  7. Congrats @ Dylan Rodgers  on map design contributor 🙂!!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ King !!!! 🥳🎉

  9. Also @ Clashingtin  happy birthday!!!


  10. It was included but got missed during Changelog
  11. Funny you say that because in the bug report that is actually exactly what happened
  12. Happy birthday @ Scribble !!!

    Also @ abu not sure if you are the same abu I knew back in Silla but if so happy birthday and hope life has been well 🙂

  13. Just like the last where I said no hate on NBB- no hate on Yodi either. They are a good bunch but this is hilarious. The "bugged hands are up" was quick thinking and devious
  14. The "flight test took it outta him" actually genuinely made me laugh too- that was a good one haha. I just really cannot take anything in this thread seriously as I see no wrongdoing here whatsoever. Mass racism/toxicity = forums restrictions
  15. Not the first time he has brought up the fact I failed my flight test in a post and I never dished out any kind of forums warning out when I could have for prior behavior. The reason I didn't restrict him earlier for his racist comments was explicitly because he brought that up and I didn't want any perception of prejudice. That being said, he was being extremely racist and was continuing to post dumb stuff after having been warned only three days prior. Never understood your guys obsession / fascination with me failing a medic flight test a year ago but please go off haha. Also as I've stated before and will reiterate again now, Polar Bear and I were good then and are good now. He was a great supervisor and a fun guy to play with. Actually got a laugh out of this one, that was funny
  16. Hi Official TNM representative ! If you must know it is because @ Rufus was being extremely racist earlier on and I also didn't like his status update. TNM has my condolences with my most sincerest reaction:
  17. @ Doke TV  congrats on corporal 🥳🎉🥳!!!!!

  18. I did not- this newest mission file people are having to download is just a hotfix. It should be in by next update but needs to go in on an actual update instead of hotfix because it needs the time to be thoroughly tested and we were on a time crunch. It is cooked though and provided we do not notice any issues testing I don't see why it won't be implemented
  19. @ YakGod  HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAK!!!!!! 😄🎉🎂

  20. @ GoodDustin  Happy birthday!!!! 🙂🥳🎂

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