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Everything posted by ComradeGoonie

  1. I got dis. Server advertisement ban - Goon - all your mortal life
  2. It's just a subjective thing. Unless you knew specifically that the guy that a medic respawned to had only been waiting a few minutes, most likely his time was almost up before he would lose his gear. Generally we want everyone alive and happy, it may cause three people to wait longer from such a short distance, but at least everyone was revived. Imho
  3. Dude, co-op mode. rock on man, me and you.
  4. Yay Bi-planes B1! :D:D:D




    1. DoctorK


      I find it funny how the soldier is holding his ears when the music starts to squeal at 0:47. That's me listening to most dubstep.

    2. ComradeGoonie


      I would have been fine with some traditional music of the era. E.g.


  5. I must tell you quick before they get to me. They've been following me for months now and I feel that they will strike at any time! PLEASE HELP ME! Semper Saevas is on their trail though at least. I do not know what they intend. I know pastor said we have little gang activity in this area but I am of the belief, that in light of this new evidence, he is seriously wrong. I may have started to conceal carry my rook but I don't think that this will be enough. This must have something to do with harassing @Corporal_moob with "Irish" accents!
  6. How to find out if you're a bad APD member. :Kappa:




  7. ~ Tell us a little something about yourself! ~ Average Alabamian with a penchant for annoying people that hate being annoyed. ~ Which section of the forums are you most interested in and why? ~ R&R because no one verbally rapes me on there. ~ How did you find out about Olympus entertainment? How long have you been a part of our community? ~ Discovered it with a German friend back in June 2015. ~ Have you made any friends during your time in this community? ~ No ~ What is your most memorable experience in our servers? ~ When I log off. ~ Do you have a video of your favorite RP moment you would like to share? ~ This is where I'd put one if I had any. ~ Do you have a video of your favorite funny moment in-game you would like to share? ~ What do you think a player should do at least ONCE while playing in our community? Survive 5 minutes in Kavala ~ What is your favorite location in Altis ~ The western half. ~ What do you think is the best thing about Altis Life and our Olympus community? ~ People actually care. ~ Do you have any tips or hints for new members? ~ Watch out for people who don't care. ~ Who do you consider the most UNIQUE member of our community? ~ [Taxi] Marty - Never played much with a guy, but there's something unique about a person on the internet that every faction likes no matter what he does to them.
  8. While we're on the subject...heeeeyyy baaabbbbyyyy
  9. It's a Scubaroo!!!!
  10. One sunny January day. One deputy shout/cries "HeEeEeEeEeEeLP MeEeEeEeEeEeEe

    Also screw you @Peter Long

    1. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      That wasn't me. 

      I play with tags homie. 

    2. ComradeGoonie


      That was back in January 26th I believe. It obviously is you and so I should hate you for being the driver.



      nope, correction this is actually November 16th


    3. Thomas Blinder
  11. I should take a leave of absence so I can play other games for a little while without worry.
  12. A lot of people have a hard on for the red burger buildings. You could make a Red Burger car. 10/10 would sign up for APD again. Only if I change my name to Barney Fife.
  13. Liking that red gull. I want one.
  14. Your job of leaving the basement to wash your parent's dishes?
  15. Along with Check as T.C. Calvin. <3 We must make an episode on Arma Make Magnum P.I. skin happen or I will find your cruiser and speed past it all day so you're no more than a ticket man @Muthinator.
  16. I was wondering why the colors were familiar. I WANT IT BAAAAAAAAAD!!!
  17. ...If we're supposed to vote on the one we like most. Why are we being forced to make 1 the best. (Grammar Nazi on the loose) I would play civ for that 6 color desert cookie camouflage. <3<3<3<3<3
  18. Day 1. 21 minutes into power outage.

    Contemplating suicide.

    1. BENJI


      Rest in pieces fam

  19. You can have my main monitor http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mb9068bbaecc5a155cb73d47ed06d35f5o0&pid=15.1
  20. Removed for combat logging with revives on the map. <3
  21. Silly, the motherland requires that you use the Firefox browser on Androids. You should know better.
  22. 10/10 can use the arsenal for sting/range master combo 0/10 Grandma Gary didn't stay long enough so I could kill her. Blasted old woman. 11/10 got to kill 3rip in the first few moments of gameplay. <3 server.
  23. I want to know where people come up with these statistics.
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