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Lt_Grim626 last won the day on September 4 2014

Lt_Grim626 had the most liked content!

About Lt_Grim626

  • Birthday 05/14/1983

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. My steam Account has been hacked so I will be gone until I can get it back! Sorry guys

    1. Wheatkings


      bastards! Good luck Grim!

    2. teckub aka bucket

      teckub aka bucket

      ahh man sorry to hear....hope to see you soon..-b

    3. SniperMcRifle


      Hope you get it back soon bruh.

  2. Another sunny day in Altis :)

  3. 36 hrs in Kavala makes you crazy!!!!!

    1. Jeeroy Lenkins

      Jeeroy Lenkins

      The concept of staying in Kavala for 36 hours is insane.

    2. Pte Howard
  4. Later Sniper it was a pleasure!
  5. is back and ready for action

    1. NokiaStrong


      Since no one will see this, hawk is gay

  6. Hey Guy's and Gals of Olympus. Just wanted to let you know your favorite APD officer will be on vacation stating the 13th of August. I will return on the 20th. My Best friend is getting married. He lives in Wisconsin so that is why I will be gone for 7 days. Know that you all will be missed (well most of you) LOL. See you when I get back!!!!!
  7. I will def sign this. I quit smoking with a vap. It would never have happened with out it.
  8. Dude CQ sucks ass!!!!! The most boring post you could ever be assigned. 3 years 82nd Airborne 2/505 02'-05'
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