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Everything posted by Ham

  1. This is most likely late but, Congrats on Dep. Chief Clemenza! :)

  2. Sad to see you step down Peter I always loved rping on civ when you were on cop, had some of the funniest rp scenarios I've ever created with you <3 btw, thanks for the helmet.
  3. You know you're shit when a shitter calls you out on being shit (I'm just kidding, pls no hurt)
  4. #FedotIsInnocent #BlamePoseidon:KappaHD:

  5. Thanks Lucki for reminding me of Dili getting Admin :P. Congrats McDili! :)


  6. Happy Birthday! You piece of gum that developed a hate for binoculars :)

  7. Could you make it to were if you have binoculars equipped you can tilde farther?
  8. When your mom makes fun of a state trooper because of his hat... mom, just pls stop. (And no, she doesn't abuse me. It was a joke... only dad does. jk pls no take offence to the beating jokes)

    1. Poro


      Reporting to the authorities

    2. Ham
  9. 1.1 pents
  10. I'll give him unlimited apd tickets twice
  11. idk, you'd have to ask DocJoe about it, he did some testing. GA's take higher caliber rounds better, and tac vests take lower caliber rounds better, that's what he said
  12. If the deputies would learn to use the PO7 instead of complaining about it, then it would be better for them. All I see is them trying to shoot them in the chest, you have to shoot in the legs. Plus, a study that DocJoe did shows that GA's actually take more damage from pistol than a Tact Vest Khaki.
  13. My binoculars will never be put away, not even Bubbaloo can stop this madness. >:D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ham


      Imma use that next time... *Gets caught by the police* "Shit, I thought that shit was on safety..."

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    4. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      I thought we were talking about the bino fiasco from that one gang wars I never wanna talk about again... <_<

  14. I watched this the day it was uploaded, it is an amazing ass video
  15. Is it your graphics card? Maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling drivers, reinstalling arma, reinstalling all drivers and components needed for arma? Just a few ideas, only try a one at a time. Hope it help, it's all I could think of.
  16. Lol, UMG just claimed all rights to my third kill montage and now it can't be viewed in Germany. XD GG 

  17. Withdrawls

    1. Orgondo


      It's okay we don't miss you


    2. Ham
    3. Ham


      Well, Nevermind, no one can miss me anymore ;)


  18. M Ham <3 ily BB AKA Career Cop Ham
  19. This is as confusing as Brody not wanting a channel.
  20. R.I.P Panthers 2k16
  21. Medics hate it when you ask an eta. At least the ones I've played with.
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