Best Shot: *R* Rusty, Buffalo Bill (Destoying With P07) or [MC] Alwayz
Best Overall Troll: Fedot (For Breaking So Many Rules And Not Being Banned)
Best Driver: Vicious Guinea Pig (Sweet Ass Drifts)
Best Heli Pilot: [MC] Kanger
Best Officer: HamOfMoose (For Always Having A great Mood when The APD Were Getting Slautghered and saying "You have my name, do not mess this up."
Best R&R: Issac Newton
Best Kavala Troll: [DB] Dingle (Titans My Heli)
Best RP'r: Jaegar Mannen
Most Tactical: Moob (For Saying "Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue" Behind Me While He Was A Freshspawn In the Fed)
Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: All The Guys In [MC] and *R*, ComradeGoonie, Wtfmguy, Mobundo, and Bubbaloo.
Most Reliable: Bubbaloo
Most Dedicated Player: John Linka (Trying To Not Be A Shitter)
Best CQC player: Huskers
Best Clutch plays: Mobundo African Warlord (Breaking Out the Mop)
Best Gorilla Noises: Gummycow
Best Slaughtering Of |SS|: T Xilla
Best Deputy Squad Members: Quintin and Fushigi
MVP: 3 Rip The Fucking God
Where Is The
"Person Who Sounds Like Me: Ham"
Like, c'mon.