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Everything posted by Ham

  1. The total for everything was $669. And currently we are at 73%, so 73% of $669 is $488. So now we can take $669 minus $448 and it comes out to $221.
  2. It's okay Fedot ily bb <3
  3. Happyy Birthday Ghostface! <3

    1. GhostFace


      Thanks babycakes!

  4. Less than 30 seconds left on my third kill montage... Fuckkkkkkkkk

  5. I had it prior, but I fixed it before this post.
  6. But, Clemenza has the tag "The One With The High-Calibre Vocabulary". 

  7. What about mine?
  8. I have never heard of him. Maybe because I started playing in Late May 2015 early June 2015 and made my forum account late June 2015, but if he wants to play then he can play, no one is stopping him. I am always glad when people come back to Olympus. So, I would say that if he wants to come back let him.
  9. <3
  10. That's not what he is saying lol.
  11. Ham

    Later nerds

    Yo' man, whatever is going on I hope you get through it. Best Wishes!
  12. Best Shot: *R* Rusty, Buffalo Bill (Destoying With P07) or [MC] Alwayz Best Overall Troll: Fedot (For Breaking So Many Rules And Not Being Banned) Best Driver: Vicious Guinea Pig (Sweet Ass Drifts) Best Heli Pilot: [MC] Kanger Best Officer: HamOfMoose (For Always Having A great Mood when The APD Were Getting Slautghered and saying "You have my name, do not mess this up." Best R&R: Issac Newton Best Kavala Troll: [DB] Dingle (Titans My Heli) Best RP'r: Jaegar Mannen Most Tactical: Moob (For Saying "Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue" Behind Me While He Was A Freshspawn In the Fed) Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: All The Guys In [MC] and *R*, ComradeGoonie, Wtfmguy, Mobundo, and Bubbaloo. Most Reliable: Bubbaloo Most Dedicated Player: John Linka (Trying To Not Be A Shitter) Best CQC player: Huskers Best Clutch plays: Mobundo African Warlord (Breaking Out the Mop) Added: Best Gorilla Noises: Gummycow Best Slaughtering Of |SS|: T Xilla Best Deputy Squad Members: Quintin and Fushigi MVP: 3 Rip The Fucking God Where Is The "Person Who Sounds Like Me: Ham" Like, c'mon.
  13. Ham


    + El Nino
  14. Yo' dude www.cartoonnetwork.com has some bomb ass mini games XD lol
  15. As SKIM would say... "He just got fucking passengered."
  16. Ham

    Stopping by

    Happy it's going good for you man, even though I don't know who you are
  17. The new website update is amazing :D

  18. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1eSEwav9wHrmwpTomK_ZwrBPSHml2v8EkWgMLEwFuKKg/viewform?c=0&w=1
  19. Happy Birthday Moob!

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