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Everything posted by epicshot12

  1. Just so everyone knows I made the Google doc now stop bugging the admins about it :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fedot


      Wait u did? I though i did :Kappa: 

    3. Snare
    4. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      Derek, lol. Message me on steam. 


  2. When MC And TI get cartel raided


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rusty


      i got revived after i got shot by the ghostawk, then i got texture bug and never got back on.

    3. Dustin87


      2 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

      >mfw 5m in titans/.50s/ifrits were lost


      rip the 3 hawks doe

      +1 for mad men gif. Did you sieze my 50 i went to eat dinner and left it in the hands of mory, usually a bad sign.

  3. Think about it from their point of view they have to deal with apd apps and crap like that all day 1:30 as dustin said is nothing i waited like a week then another week to just get my test but i have seen just a little bit of the process they have to go through and trust me its no just as simple as accepted
  4. @DeathDingohappy bday fam kangertech lives on

  5. Peter- "Moob do you think you can make it all the way to the end to fight ti?"

    moob- "I have a mk200."

  6. I gave @Marty a $500 pardon ticket then as a joke asked him to talk he actually talked to me:blink: i am in such shock rn <3

    1. Ham


      Marty talked on Christmas. :D

    2. Chaos


      was there can confirm marty spoke

  7. Its great to have @Maverick back looking forward to playing with u :P 

  8. im gonna miss u too was fun started in ss together its been a long but fun road dont go to far fam
  9. its great to have @Dustin87 back he is a TOP TIER OLYMPUS PLAYER
  10. ham.... why u leaving we was in LGN together ill see you around fam dont go to far you were a good shot great at rp and overall just a great person
  11. I'm switching to server 1 don't need it anymore house has 50 ingredients 50 red gull 50 water 50 lock picks and 6 blood bags asking 6 mil but it is negotiable
    1. Marty



    2. epicshot12


      No one :( im sowwy

    3. Marty


      Hmmm... Alright I forgive you. But don't let it happen again! I will not tolerate shenanigans.-_-

  12. Lol nice kill on me at 3:20
  13. im already buying it
  14. In the next upcoming weeks maybe months i will not be on much. I just got the news today one of my best friends who is a marine was just found dead. please prayers out to his family thanks. im not saying this so i can get a bunch of sympathy or any thing like that just saying if i don't seem active that's why not cause im quitting olympus and i would like to thank all the former and active military for your sacrifice -F3AR
  15. Sitting in class getting lectured right now bored outta my mind someone post something interesting please and alwayz make the video public of the nade throw

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    2. Stix


      ^ I thought you like doritos ^

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I love 'em.... but i figured a change of food consumption might be good for me ;) 

  16. You sill owe me comp for my taru:/ lol sad to see you go man only played with you in t for a little mainly when you crashed my taru good bye man
  17. I plan on running in the year of 2020 also lol looks like you will have some competition
  18. Sitting in class while my teacher is giving a lecture but im over here on the forums im going to fail the test tomorrow

    1. D3V1L


      When boredom strikes :(

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