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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Ninjaman427

    1. -dante-


      Then there is me in the corner getting tazed in the crossfire. Lol LAGSWITCHIN' THO

  1. Shoutout to Peter for the top-tier Meta Game, showing us that kid's meth house.

  2. 50dc77cc40cb7b85a9bdfd9a530b275a.png

    Hmm...I feel like this was intentional. 

    1. ComradeGoonie


      May the conspiracies become rampant.

    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Clearly Obama's Fault...

  3. If you're still having issues connecting/finding the server. Default all of the options in your filter. Hit okay, then re-filter it by "Olympus" and Role Playing Game.

  4. Next gang wars location confirmed.
  5. Meet the Carnage gang


    1. Fuzy



  6. @Huskers Throwback mayne. 


    1. Pete Malloy

      Pete Malloy

      That's not a 1-tap.

    2. Ninjaman427


      @Armend(Pete Malloy) If you know anything about Arma, kills are not instant. The first bullet killed him, I just shot the second one as a follow up not realizing he was already dead. Thanks for the comment though.

    3. Thomas


      Huskers has such a big head...I'm not impressed -_-

  7. I'd post mine but if I don't clean it you'll realize who I truly am.
  8. Damn Daniel.
  9. @Fedot The Dawn of Douggem is upon us.

  10. Server 1 Abdera 2 crater, 3million or the highest bidder. Andddd GO.

    1. Ham


      1 dollar (so far highest bidder)

    2. Ninjaman427


      3 million is the base price.

    3. Ham


      Can 1 dollar be BASS price ;)

      but base price should be 2.5 ;)

  11. Selling me DP25 House  f077af5781e8e372cc22be08079df1d2.jpg

    No cheaper than 3.5million.

    1. Kenji



      i want. if you can wait a couple days.

    2. Ninjaman427
  12. Tman you trying to experiment whether or not we notice you not giving us our comp money orrr what's going on here?

  13. Badaim and I tested that. I got shot out with 1 Mk18 shot.
  14. I'm saying now they won't bring ifrits to fights anymore.
  15. Finally, MC's abundance of money gets nerfed.

  17. No thanks.
  18. I have a 2 crater on server 1 in Abdera I'd let go. Make me a very reasonable offer and I'll consider.
  19. G430s are not wireless, not sure what you are thinking of.
  20. I personally baby my Astro A40s. So comfortable...not sure if it would be the best option for you budget wise. Maybe go for some Logitech G430s.
  21. The grammar in your quote hurts my head. That is all.
  22. I have never seen you in a cartel in my life.
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